Picture Of Love

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Chapter 21

The drive to the twins place was quiet. I sat in the front passenger seat and Ryder was sitting in the middle in the back seat. Anticipation for the soon to be conversation between the three of us was fast approaching and this time there was no way around it.

Ryan slammed on the brakes as someone pulled out in front of him. His driving seemed off. Almost like he hadn’t done it in a while and was a lot rusty at it. Then I realized he probably hadn’t. “Ryan do you still have your driver’s licence?” He turned on the radio and didn’t answer my question. “So I am taking that as a no you don’t have one anymore then. Maybe you should pull over and let me drive. I don’t want you to get a ticket.”

I think that was the wrong thing to say because his jaw intensely clenched, his knuckles turned white on the steering wheel and in a low sexy growl said “I can drive just fine Kitten. The guy is supposed to drive his date and since we didn’t get to drive you to dinner I will be dammed if I we don’t get to drive you home. Tonight is our first date and I want it to be memorable.”

“Ok” I really don’t think me driving would have such an impact but if him driving makes him feel better then he can drive. I know the car ride to and from the restaurant will be quickly forgotten and not worth fighting over but the restaurant itself and what happened in there tonight will stay in my mind for a very long time.  

Tonight was the perfect date to me and I wouldn’t want to of spent it with anyone other than Ryan and Ryder. They are my dream men and I am so happy that they have finally come home.

Went we arrived at their parents place and they started to drag me to the front door. I dug me heels in and stopped. I figured that their parents would be in there and I really didn’t want to see them yet. I was still bitter with them for not giving me information on the twins.

“Let’s go around the side” I said quietly staring at the front door waiting for Grace to come busting through it. The Twins didn’t move and when I looked at them they looked sad and I knew that they knew I didn’t want to see their parents.

I felt guilty because I know how close Ryan and Ryder are to Graham, Garret and Grace. I didn’t want them to see the resentment I have towards their parents. I hope that after our talk that will go away some when I find out all the facts. That’s my plan anyways.

“Please, we can stop in and say hi to your parents after, if it’s not too late.” Reluctantly they started to head for the side gate that would lead to their flat.

It was the dust free every surface in the living area was clean and shining. All the photos of me from years ago hung proudly on the walls, clean and easy to look at now. I found myself blushing, it’s one thing to have a photo or two of yourself up but to have so many around was weird. It didn’t matter where I looked, I was looking at myself.

“Both of our favourite photo is the one on our night stand of the three of us” Ryder said as his arm slip around my waist from behind. “It’s our favourite because we all look happy, no worry, no stress, no complications just the three of us loving each other and embracing what we are meant to be.” He squeezed my waist and his mouth found my neck and started to nuzzle it.

“It’s also our favourite because we knew coming back out future together was uncertain but when we arrived home your beautiful smell hit us and we knew you had been in our home and snooped around. Going through our clothes you dirty girl you.” I felt him smile into my neck when he said the last bit.

He started pushing me towards the bedroom, Ryan was standing at the door with a thoughtful expression on his face and I wondered what was going through his head.

Ryder led me to the side table where the photo stood. It was the only dusty thing in the room and the whole flat by my guess. I didn’t understand why they wouldn’t clean it if it was their favourite.

Ryan spoke up coming to sit on the bed next to us. “It’s our favourite because when we came back a love heart was drawn around it by you. The heart gave us hope that we could move past our mistakes and move forward together. You are all we want and all we will ever want April. While we were away your face was always there when we closed our eyes and you gave us the strength we needed to find ourselves and gain control again. You are the reason why we helped the others through their shifting and afterwards. We wanted to make you proud of us.”

Ryder started to speak “You are the reason we do most of what we do Baby. We have made some bad mistakes and let our tigers control situations that led to all of us getting hurt. We want to fix what we fucked up and start from now and move forward together. Learn each other again. You have grown up without us and we don’t want to miss anymore of you. We missed you go from that beautiful 17 year to a gorgeous young woman. Give us another chance and we will figure it all out together. We won’t push like we did before, your dreams are now our dreams. All we want is you as our wife, as our cub’s mother and most of all our life mate. It’s you or nothing at all Baby.”

Together they said “I love you April.” I keep my eye firmly on the photo the whole time. Tears made paths down my cheeks. Their words were perfect just like they were in my eyes and who was I kidding I loved them too and would never get enough of them.

“I don’t want to lose you both again. Promise me you won’t disappear again?” I croaked out not looking at them still staring at the photo. Two strong warm bodies moved in front of me and each took one of my hands. Ryder dropped to his knee in front of me. I watched him wide eyed. He looked at Ryan and raised his eyebrows “Dude you have asked her twice already, now that it’s the right time you’re standing their like a dick.”

Ryan dropped to his knees so fast that if it was me I would be sporty bruises for a week. My eyes went between the two of them. I knew what was coming. I knew what question they were about to ask me. And I know what my answer would be.

“The only way to make you believe that we aren’t going anywhere is for you to become our wife. Every day for the rest of our life we want to show you how much we love you. We want to listen to that horrible singing voice of yours and pick fights with you or do something just to piss you off so we can see that fire in your eyes because you look so sexy when you’re pissed. We want to spoil you and love every inch of you.” Ryan said staring into my eyes.

“Marry us Kitten, be our wife. I promise I will always be a doting husband to you, I can’t make that promise for Ryder, we both know how he is.” Ryan said with a small smile while Ryder shook his head and bumped shoulders with his brother. “You are the love of our life and our reason to breath. I know the everyday will be a great day because we will wake up together every morning and if it isn’t, by the time you go to bed that night we will make forget how bad it has been.” Ryan continued

Together they said “Marry us, you are already our mate become our wife as well?”

If marrying them meant they wouldn’t disappear again and they were mine forever than the answer was easy, I already knew that and the rest could come later.

“YES” was my answer.  


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