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Three tries. Three tries was all everyone got to find their soulmate. There were many ways you could find them, one way being that your world was in black and white until you saw them, but if you lost them or they no longer loved you, everything fades back to black and white until you meet your other soul mates. Another way was that a strand of your hair matched their full head of hair, and vice versa. But, the way I had it was way different.

I started my life with a name on my wrist. The name Corey written in small cursive letters in the middle of my left wrist. At the age of ten, I met the said Corey in the middle of the grocery store. His eyes sparkled with curiosity when he first saw his name on my wrist weeks after our meeting. After that day, we became inseparable. Our moms were convinced we had each found our soulmates, until we were about thirteen. I woke up one morning to the burning sensation in my wrist, only to watch in horror as his name was there one minute and gone the next. They didn't know about his tumor until two hours later. Cancer is a hard way to leave the world, but he was in a better place.

It wasn't until I was fourteen that the second name appeared in the same spot. Dylan, it read. It was a typical October morning, and I lived out my day of school normally until lunch. When I met him.

He had the most beautiful hazel green eyes I had ever seen. This boy, Dylan, was the definition of dark and handsome. He had gorgeous brown hair and even though we were only fourteen he was almost a whole head taller than me. After that day, it didn't take long for us to realize what we were to each other. We were soulmates. I saw it in the way he smiled down at me, and he saw it in the way I wasn't afraid to be myself around him. Soon enough, we were boyfriend and girlfriend, conquering the world together. But things change.
Her name was Jane, and she was small and fragile. She had long dyed red hair, and her skin was flawless porcelain like a doll's. I was eighteen when I felt the too-familiar burning sensation in my wrist, and watched again as another name disappeared. Panicked, I called Dylan. It was there on that January 5th that he told me he had fallen out of love with me. On that January 5th, my world was ruined again after I had lost my second chance.
Now, I'm nineteen and in college. Jane's name never appeared on Dylan's skin, and I'm not sure if my name has went away. But I know one thing.

Whoever Calum is can stay away from me.

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