Chapter Two

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I make it back to the apartment in record time, not even caring what the gorgeous boy had to say. My hand finds the doorknob and soon I'm in my room, panicking against the wooden door. I had met my soulmate. My last chance.

Why was everything different with him? I had felt sparks with Dylan, but not complete and total electricity. I wasn't nervous around Calum, everything came easily. Until I ran. Oh god, I ran. I find my last chance at love and I literally run from him. Smooth.

After thirty minutes of laying on my bed in self pity, I hear the sounds of Aspen and Jamie in the living room.

"I can't believe that just happened!" I hear Jamie exclaim excidedly. My eyebrow raises in question, although she couldn't see it. Suddenly, my door is opened. Jamie's head pops in excitedly, and Aspen's head soon follows. I laugh as they come over to sit on my bed.

"Guess what," Aspen says out of excitement, looking over at Jamie. I raise an eyebrow as a response.

"I just found my soulmate!" Jamie reveals, her smile beaming. Then, she starts explaining the sandy-haired boy, Ashton, who she bumped into and then her whole life sprung into color.

"She asked if we could stop to get crayons so she could learn the names of the colors," Aspen interrupts, causing a laugh to escape my mouth. Despite the stress it put you under, finding your soulmate was beautiful.

As soon as that thought goes through my mind, I realize how much of a hypocrite I'm being. How could I run from someone who was the last person meant for me, but think that finding a soulmate was beautiful? Calum probably watched me leave and wondered what he did wrong.

"You alright?" Jamie suddenly asks, and it's by then that I realize I'm gripping the edge of my blanket tightly, tight enough to turn my semi-tanned skin pale. I nod my head in reply, loosening my grip on the mint green blanket.

"No, you're not," Aspen decides. "Tell us what's wrong."

And so I do. I tell them about the Calum tattoo. About how I felt when I was talking to him, and how I felt electricity when we touched. I tell them every detail about Calum, and when I'm done I lay back down on the bed, my back making a "pff" sound against the cool blanket.

"How much do you love me?" Aspen asks in reply, and I look at her from where I'm laying.

"Why?" I question, looking at her smiling expression. Her ginger eyebrows were raised, a broad smile on her face.

"Because Calum invited us all to the beginning of the year party this year."

I don't do parties. Granted, I drink occasionally and have attended one or two, but this is something I'm not used to. So, when I walk out of my room in two hours wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts, Aspen gives me a look.

"What?" I ask her disapproving look. She smiles.

"I forgot to tell you what kind of party it was," Aspen admits shyly, and then I actually think to look down at her outfit. She was wearing the beige pug onesie that she adored. I look at the couch to see Jamie in her tiger onesie.

"What kind of party is this?" I question, confusion prominent in my voice.
"They made it a onesie theme last minute," Jamie tells me, offering a smile. Oh boy. With a nod, I go back to my room and change into a bunny onesie that my grandmother sent me for Easter last year.

After I put my hair into loose pigtails, the anxiety hit. Calum was going to be there. Calum Hood, my freaking soulmate, was going to be at that party. Hell, he invited us to that party. Did he know that he was my soulmate? He had to, right?

"Come on, wouldn't want you to be late to your soulmate's party," Aspen says, walking in and playing with my pigtails. With one look into my eyeliner bearing eyes, her face twists into a worried expression. "Are you okay?" She questions, her hands coming to rest on my shoulders. I nod in reply.

"I'm just really nervous, you know? What if he doesn't know that it's me and thinks I'm just some other girl? Or worse, what if he knows but isn't interested in me? What if he-" I ramble nervously before Aspen places her pale hand over my mouth.

"Let him come to you. Dude, we're going to a college party! It's going to be fun! And better yet, we're going in onesies! We're going to have a good time tonight or die trying," She jokes, pinching my cheeks. I smile and nod.

"Okay, let's go then."

If we didn't have directions, we could still find the house party. The bass was distinguishable from two streets away, where our apartment building stood.

"Jesus," Jaime says from the passenger seat. I agreed with her remarks, the entire property was huge. Aspen stops the car on the side of the street, then turns to us. Her face was paler than usual, and she wore an expression of panic.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask, leaning in as far as I can from the middle seat in the back.

"I'm just- ugh. We haven't even been here for a whole day, and you guys already found your soulmates. What if I can't find mine? Who am I supposed to bring home to my parents?" She worries out loud.

"You can bring me home to your parents," I joke, which gets a small smile from her.

"Plus, you're gorgeous dude. You're gonna find your soulmate. Who knows? Maybe he's an older guy," Jamie reassures, and Aspen nods. Then, she smiles.

"Who's ready to go to our first college party?" She questions, earning small cheers from Jamie and I.

Soon enough, we're out of the car and in the house. The crowd was colorful with onesies and the stench of alcohol wafted throughout the air. My heart skips a beat when I see someone with Calum's golden skin, but Jamie grabs Aspen and I and pulls us towards a guy with curly blonde hair who was wearing a teddy bear onesie.

"Guys, this is Ashton," She introduces over the loud music. I nod in reply and extend my hand for him to shake, but he pulls Aspen and I into a hug.

"Sorry, I'm a hugger," He says, his Australian accent distinguishable. I smile in reply.

"Ash! Is this the girl?" Another male Australian voice asks. I turn to see a pale boy in a pizza onesie with bright green hair. He was looking at Jamie. Ashton nods.

"This is Michael." He introduces, and Michael offers a small wave. Michael was cute.

"Well I'm Jamie, that's Aspen, and this is Rory." Jamie informs him, and he smiles.

"Nice to meet you, Ashton hasn't stopped talking about you." Michael reveals, totally throwing Ashton under the bus. Ashton blushes, which causes the group to laugh.

"We'll leave you two alone, I have someone who would love to meet you guys," Michael says to Aspen and I. Suddenly I'm being pulled through a crowd, and I grab Aspen's hand to make sure she doesn't get lost. Soon enough, we make it to a small corner where a guy in a penguin onesie sits alone.

"This is Luke," Michael introduces loudly, causing the blonde boy to glance up. He had bright blue eyes and a black lip ring. As weird as it seemed, he was the boy Aspen described seeing in her dreams. It all clicks as Aspen engulfs Luke in a hug.

"Dream soulmates?" I ask Michael as we watch from the side.

"Yeah, they only saw each other in dreams. As soon as he told me about her, I knew what was going on." The green haired boy admits. I nod in reply, taking a seat on the couch in the corner as Aspen and Luke walk away together.

"Shit," Michael says after a moment of silence. I raise an eyebrow and look at him.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Do you wanna dance?" He asks all of a sudden. I didn't have any reason not to.

So I dance with Michael.

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