Chapter Seventeen

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If life was a storybook, it'd end now with me leaving Minnesota and being the one that got away. But, seeing as it's not, I have to go on pretending that things were okay with Calum. As hard as I tried, I couldn't avoid our combined friend group. Claiming the flu only works for so long until someone notices. And, that's what happens when I tell Aspen I can't come to our class that we share with Calum for the third time in a row.

"You're not even sick, you're just a pansy," She says after feeling my head. I pinch the bridge of my nose before replying.

"Can you just give me this one? Please," I beg, and the strawberry blonde shakes her head.

"I've given you this one for three days, Rory. You need to go to class."

"Not when the notes and assignments get posted online," I counter, causing her to fold her arms. Suddenly, she pulls the blanket off of me which causes a loud groan to escape my mouth.

"We have finals in a week, that means you have to stop being a chicken shit," Aspen argues, and I know it's true. Sighing, I wipe my eyes with the palms of my hands. "You know I'm right."

"Whatever, give me five minutes to get ready."

Going to Calum and I's combined classes isn't that bad, we keep our distance throughout the lessons. Since that night of the party, I hadn't talked to or seen Calum. Frankly, I had no desire to. He made his decision, and I was making mine. So what if I ended up like Michael? The red haired boy was one of the happiest people I knew.

This was a prime example of how fucked up the soulmate system is. Sometimes, you ended up alone. Other times, you couldn't stand your soulmate. Or maybe, ironically, it just wasn't meant to be. We lived with a flawed system, but when it worked it was beautiful. I smile as I think of Aspen and Luke, and Jamie with Ashton.

"Something funny, Ashmore?" Mr. Lahey demands. I look up from my Psychology notes and up to his pale face and graying hair. Looking back down, I simply shake my head. "No, indulge us. Tell us what you were thinking," He enforces, and I sigh before saying what's on my mind.

"I was thinking that the soulmate system is a bunch of shit." I say, which takes him by surprise. He even backs up a little. "Yeah, it's not fair. What if you don't want to be with your soulmate? Or, what if you do and they're in love with someone else? What happens when you fall in love with someone who's not your soulmate, what happens then? Or-"

"Enough, Miss Ashmore. The topic of discussion isn't the soulmate system, maybe you would like to give paying attention another try on Monday, when the final is. As of now, collect your things and leave my classroom." I huff at his comment, and go to stand up when someone speaks.

"Why are you kicking her out? Isn't the point of this class to question things?" Ashton challenges, which catches me by surprise.

"Irwin, would you care to join her?" Lahey questions, and I hear Ashton mumble a "Damn right I do," before gathering his things and going to the front of the class. He stands at the door, waiting for me to follow. So, I do.

"I can't believe that really just happened," I state as we walk to the courtyard. Ashton laughs and continues to walk.

"Mr. Lahey's a douche anyways." He confirms, and I nod along. "I mean, really. The first day he tells us that we're supposed to be questioning things, and when we actually question things he tells us we're wrong and kicks us out. Who does that? It's absolutely mental," Ashton continues to rant, and it dawns on me that perfect opposites are found in Jamie and Ashton; he talks and she listens, she's usually gloomy and he's there to cheer her up, he's a great cook and she burns coffee. Apparently, he notices my silence. "Is everything okay?"

"I've just been thinking," I admit, and he nods.

"About Calum?" Ashton guesses. A small smile makes its way onto my face.

"Is it that obvious?" I joke.

  "Lucky guess," He teases back. We pass a group of guys throwing a football around, and I think about how different things would be if Calum wasn't my soulmate. Would we all still be friends, or would I be walking with someone else right now?

"I just," I say, sighing. "How is he?" It's Ashton's turn to sigh before he answers.

"Do you want the truth?" I nod. "Well, he's a mess Rory. Every time one of us comes back from spending time at your apartment he always asks about you. And I know it's a lot to ask, but-"

"No," I stubbornly answer, knowing exactly what he was going to say. "I'm not forgiving Calum. He's hurt me too many times, Ashton."

"You guys are destroying the balance of the group." Ashton says, and I stop walking.

"I'm so sorry that my pain is such an inconvenience for you all." I snap. I can literally see Ashton regret what he just said as he furrows his eyebrows.

"I didn't mean it like that. It's just hard for us all to be happy knowing some of our best friends are hurting. We're worried about you guys," He says, softly this time. His statement makes me take a sudden interest in my feet as I look down at the ground. Then, I muster a smile.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine." I lie straight through my teeth. I think he believes it until he narrows his eyes at me.

"You're a bad liar, Rory." I go to argue, but Ashton continues walking so I follow.

"Where are we going?" I decide to change the subject. The sandy blond shrugs as we go down the sidewalk, ignoring the cold drizzle of rain as much as we could.

"Was this your last class?" He asks, I nod. "Mine, too. Do you just wanna go grab a coffee or something?"

"I think I should go home." I answer instead.

"I'll walk you, I need to drop off Jamie's notes anyways."


Jamie greets Ashton with a huge embrace, and me with a small smile before her and Ashton go off to "study." I didn't take offense, I tended to snap at people often when I was in the mood that I was. Before I go to my room, I grab an orange from the fridge and fill up my water bottle with cold water. When I sit on the bed, I can't help the sigh of relief that comes out of my mouth. The warm heat from the heater was what I needed after being caught in the rain. It was March, why was it still cold? A commotion in the living room disrupts my thoughts. Then, Aspen walks into my room.

"Get up, we're going to the boys' house," Is all she says.

"No, no way in hell." I immediately answer.

"He's not even there. Luke needs help moving stuff."

"He lives with three other guys!"

"Michael's at work, and apparently Ashton is too lazy. Calum won't come out of his room unless he has to go somewhere. Come on. It'll be quick, then you can come back here and be a crybaby." Aspen demands, and I scowl at her.

"A quick in and out, that's it. I'm not staying."

All four of the other people piled in the car don't stop talking about how they're excited to finish the year off. I thank them for their constant chatter, it meant I didn't have to contribute. My mind was in the gutter, anyways. Mainly about what Ashton said earlier. My thoughts are cut short by the opening of the car doors.

"Are you coming, Rory?" Aspen questions, looking at me from outside the car. I nod, and follow suit. There was no turning back now.

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