Chapter Seven

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I sigh as I flip over onto my stomach to turn off my phone alarm. The clock read 8:30 am, and the date revealed that it was Monday the 29th of August. The clock also revealed that I had thirty minutes to shower and make my way to campus. So, I did just that.


"Welcome to Creative Writing, I'm Proffessor Ashby," A slightly older guy says when the entire class settles down. His salt and pepper hair was pushed to the side, with dark drown eyes. I get comfortable in my third row seat and look around the class, thankful that there were mostly freshman in attendance. The golden skinned boy smiles from my side, and I offer a smile back as I turn to face the professor. It takes thirty minutes for Ashby to give us our first project. And after that it only takes a minute for Calum to nudge me.

"So, wanna suffer through this together?" He asks, a side grin prominent on his face.

"Eh, why not." I say, shrugging. The boy smiles at me again. He smiled a lot, almost too much.

"Can you explain what it is then? Cause I wasn't paying attention to a single word," Calum admits, and I breathe a small laugh.

"We have to write a story going back and forth," I inform, and he nods. His hands travel into his bag and pull out a sheet of paper.

"Amaze me with your creativity, then."


Calum Hood is a hopeless romantic. I learn that from the first paragraph he writes. The boy he describes has shaggy hair, and lanky in stature. He's an artist, and very into a girl who has never spoken a word to him. The boy draws his inspiration from the little things this girl does.

As I sit and write my paragraph, I hear Calum sigh. After finishing the last word, I look up with a brow raised to see him staring down at his phone, his dark brows furrowed in frustration. I can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as I realize he's texting his girlfriend. So, with another look down at my paragraph I erase it. Instead of writing the typical continuation to his paragraph, I write in the girl's point of view. She wasn't gentle, and she was flawed. This girl was falling for a boy whom had most likely already found his soulmate.

The library becomes quieter and quieter as people come and go, until Calum and I are one of the few people left. We'd been passing the paper back and forth for about two hours now, the single paper turning into a three page packet. He was a natural writer. It doesn't take that long for us to meet the four page criteria.

"It's been fun, Ashmore." Calum says as he gathers his things.

"It wasn't that bad, Hood," I mock, putting both straps of my bag onto my shoulders. He sticks his tongue out as he joins me in my walk out of the library. Seeing as it wasn't that far, we both walked from class.

"Maybe we should write together more," Calum suddenly says as we make our way down a sidestreet towards a Tim Horton's.

"If I don't shoot myself first." I joke. He grimaces and clutches his chest as if I hurt him.

"Your comments wound me, Rory," The brown boy grits jokingly. I roll my eyes in reply.

This boy was going to leave a mark on my life.

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