Chapter Six

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"Oh look, she's alive," Jamie says jokingly as I walk into the apartment. I collapse on the couch and appreciate the cool, brown leather. A gift from my grandma. Aspen runs in and jumps onto the couch.

"How was it?" She grins excitedly. I laugh at her overjoyed expression.

"How was what?" I ask, knowing exactly what she was trying to reference.

"Oh bullshit, you have five seconds to start talking." Jamie jokingly threatens from the matching leather chair.

"Nothing happened," I admit, earning a scoff from Aspen.

"What?" Is my next question.

"You literally got super drunk before leaving and saying 'I'm gonna talk to Calum,'" Jamie answers, and I widen my eyes. Did I say something to Calum?

"I just woke up this morning in Michael's bed-" Is what I begin with, which was probably a bad choice.

"You slept with Michael?" Aspen exclaims loudly enough to make both Jamie and I scoot away. Man, that girl could scream.

"No, I didn't. He took care of me after I got wasted out of my fucking mind." I snap back, and immediately regret it with one look at Aspen. "Sorry."

"So that explains the clothes," Jamie states, trying to make peace. I nod.

"But seriously, what took you so long to get home?" Jamie asks. I immediately think of Calum, and his bass. Then thoughts of him and his girlfriend resurface.

"I basically slept all day, and I also met Calum's girlfriend." Is my reply, but the last part comes as a murmur.

"His what?" Aspen questions, her voice taking on a new tone. She was livid. "He has a fucking girlfriend?"

I nod slowly, wanting to go lay down, wrap my mint blanket around me, and shut out the world. But I couldn't. I wasn't a kid anymore, which meant that I had to face my problems. That reason, and the fact that classes started tomorrow.

"Please don't let this upset you. He's nothing," Jamie coerces, placing a hand on my shoulder. Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes. I promised, no, I swore to myself that I wouldn't ever be close to a boy again. Calum wasn't supposed to come into my life, but he did. He was my last chance and somehow we managed to get our timing wrong. I managed to get my timing wrong.

"Are you okay, hun?" Aspen whispers to me, and I nod. Even though this hurt, I wasn't going to let my world get ruined because he had a girlfriend. We were soulmates after all, and they were meant to always end up together. Right?

"I just need to sleep," I respond, wringing my hands together. The redhead and brunette both nod in reply, and I make it to my room. Slowly, but surely.

As soon as I get there I deflate into the memory foam. Every thought of the day comes back to my as I stare at the eggshell ceiling. This wasn't supposed to hurt this bad. Hell, I didn't even know the guy. But I feel like I did.

They say when you meet your true soulmate, it'll feel like you've known them for years. And as much as I hate to admit it, that's how I felt whenever I made contact with Calum's brown eyes. His laugh felt like home, and I welcomed his warm golden skin into my life before I was aware of doing so.

Suddenly my phone vibrates in the sweatpants I was wearing. I reach a hand into the pocket and feel the smooth texture of my case. It's in front of my face in a matter of seconds. Apparently, I had a new text.

'From ; The Bassist Guy in The World (Next To Michael)
hey, Mike gave me your number. thought I'd need it if I wanted any repeats from last night. I guess you already have it - Cal'

I smile at the message and reply, but not before laughing at the contact name (Thanks, Michael.) So, he wanted to see me again. Calum Hood, frat boy and bassist, wanted to actually see me again. So I guess there was actually hope.

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