Chapter One

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  Freshman year of college. A new place, new people. When I got accepted into Minnesota State, I seemed to be the only one who was shocked. I'd been here a year before my acceptance, my parents having been split up and mom taking me to Minnesota to escape the Ohio drama we'd dealt with our entire lives. Throughout my senior year of high school, I actually focused on my education. Sophomore year, I was completely dedicated to Dylan (whom was about 2,400 miles away,) which resulted in my grades  dropping. Junior year I spent going between trying to get Dylan back and focussing on my grades. That summer, I moved. I've been here since then.

With a sigh, I look across the livingroom of the apartment that I now called my home. I hear slight humming from one of the two guest rooms. At least I wouldn't be alone, I was living with two high school friends, Jamie and Aspen. As if on cue, Jamie walks through the door with her last box. She runs a hand through her shoulder length black hair, offering me a small smile. I return the small gesture and go back to putting away the old dishes my mom let me have.

"Okay, so school officially starts in two days. I say we should go out and look around campus for cute guys," Aspen decides about twenty minutes later. I open my mouth to reply with a no, but she shakes her head. "No, you're not staying inside in self pity." She says before I can even utter the first syllable of my denial. By this time, Jamie is also invested in the conversation.

"Come on, you never know if your soulmate is out there." She smiles, and immediately my hand flies to cover my left wrist, where a multitude of bracelets always were. The fact that my soulmate could possibly be out there gives me all the more reason to stay inside. I couldn't withstand being hurt again, and I definitely wouldn't make it through feeling the oh-so-familiar sting where the tattoo would be if this person was lost. It was easier to be alone.

"Don't you think that's a sore subject?" Aspen asks, looking over at Jamie.

"It's been a year, Rory. Come on, pleaaase," Jamie begs, jumping up and down like a ten year old. Soon, Aspen joins in and I'm smiling.

"Fine," I give in, standing up from the comfortable cushions of the couch. Both girls smile and I roll my eyes. "Let's go before I change my mind."

The humid August air is a change from the cool haven of our apartment, that's for sure. So many people were out on campus, it was rediculous. We pass a group of a cappella singers and I get a flashback of watching Pitch Perfect with Dylan. Immediately I turn away and keep my eyes locked forward. I couldn't afford those thoughts right now, not when I had just started to get better.

We pass multiple stands advertising many after school clubs. After getting handed multiple flyers, I turn to Jamie and Aspen.

"As fun as this may have been, I really wanna go back to the apartment," I state, pushing my hands into the pockets of my black skinny jeans. Jamie nods in agreement.

"It's pretty hot out here," She agrees, and Aspen nods with a puppy dog like expression.

"But I think I saw a couple food stands up there," She whines jokingly, bringing a smile to my face.

"I'll go with you. Rory, you go back to the apartment." Jamie tells the two of us. I nod in response and turn quickly. Sadly, I'm a very clumsy person and collide with a golden body who just so happened to be behind me.

"I'm sorry," I say, regaining my balance. My hazel greens make eye contact with warm brown ones. Holy shit, this guy wasn't bad to look at, not at all. He had golden brown skin and dark hair with few blonde streaks, obviously dyed. The mystery guy wore a grey tank top, which showed off a multitude of tattoos. He was gorgeous.

"Are you okay?" He asks, putting his hands on my forearms to make sure I wouldn't fall. Electricity appears where he touches me.

"Yeah, I'm good. Are you?" I question, and he nods.

"I'm more than okay," The guy flirts, offering me a wink. My face heats up in reply. What was happening?

"Well, I'm gonna go," I dismiss myself awkwardly, going to walk away. He flashes another smile.

"I didn't get your name," Is all he responds.
"I'm Rory," I respond, and he nods.
"Calum, Calum Hood." He introduces himself, shaking my offered hand. Once again, electricity occurs. Then I realize.


Oh, fuck.

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