Sam Pt. 2

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This is part two of the Sam I did last time, enjoy :)

Your POV

My feet fell against the ground as I ran, I was late for school. I check my phone and the illuminated screen says, '8:32'. First period started at eight, I don't really care but my parents will kill me if I skip.

I then felt a drop fall onto my head, then three then it all came down at once, quickly progressing to pouring rain falling onto my skin. "Fuck." I mumbled and stopped running, I'm late, now I'm soaking wet. I can't walk into school like this.

I pulled my hood over my head and walked slowly, following the side walk to wherever it'll take me. "Y/N!" I heard the familiar voice that I hated and loved at the same time. I ignored the blonde and continued to walk with my head down. "Y/N I know you can hear me!"

I heard him running behind me. "Sam leave me alone." I told him and then went silent again. I had to stay strong, this boy will not have an affect on me.

What a lie.

"Y/N please!" He was now right next to me, if he touches me I swea- Sam then touched my shoulder. I ripped my arm away from him and began running, I didn't want any part in this circle of heartbreak. "I'm sorry." He stepped in front of me; his blue eyes connecting with mine.

"Bullshit." I spat venomously, I tried to walk around him but he stepped in front of me. "Please Y/N, I told your sister I didn't want to be with her." His eyes were slowly filling with tears.

"If that was true, where were you the night I was crying in my bedroom?" I asked him and his eyes darkened.


"Colby I lost him!" I cried to Colby who came over with ice cream and a ton of horror movies, Sam had gone on another date with my sister tonight. Even after Colby told him what had happened a week before.

"C'mere." Colby cooed and hugged me tightly, I sobbed into his chest. "Why can't I be perfect like her?! Maybe I would've gotten Sam if I had the perfect blonde hair like her and the perfect height, perfect eyes, PERFECT EVERYTHING!" I screamed the last part and Colby didn't even flinch.

"Y/N don't think like that, if I was Sam I would've chosen you over your sister any day." He comforted me and slowly rubbed my back.

I sat back against my bed and wiped the tears off my face. Colby's phone then dinged, I could see that Sam had texted him. I didn't bother looking at him as he answered the blonde who was probably gloating about how great his date is.

**Flashback over**

"You were crying?" Sam asked sadly. I tried hard to glare at him but it just turned into a stare. The rain began to come down harder than before. "Let's get you inside." Sam said and grabbed my forearms and tried to guide me, I flinched and pulled my arms from him as I felt a sharp pain go up my right arm.

His face turned pale, he knew exactly what he'd done. "Y/N you promised..." Sam said sadly. I looked at him with sad eyes as the rain began to fall harder.

"That was before you broke your promise." I fumbled with the necklace that loosely hung from my neck, it was half of a heart that connect to the other half of the necklace. Sam promised to always wear his side of it, but he broke that promise a while ago.

Tears fell down his face as he reached under the top of his shirt and revealed the necklace. "I haven't taken it off, ask Colby." His gaze went behind me, I turned around and saw the brunette leaning against his car.

"I'm so sorry Sam." I cried, as I tried to walk towards Colby so I could go home, Sam pulled me into a hug.

"I can take you back to Colby and I's apartment and we can hang out like old times.."

I nodded, I tried to walk again but Sam picked me up bridle style and started walking.

"I'm going to make it up to you since I wasn't there for you when I should've been. I'm going to treat you like the princess you are Y/N."

I smiled and cuddled into his chest as the rain began to slow as he brought us over to where Colby stood. Colby opened the door, Sam set my down in the backseat and closed the door. He then walked around to the other side, climbed in and sat next to me as Colby climbed in the drivers seat.

"Okay, please don't have sex in the back seat of my car children." Colby told us, Sam started blushing as I laughed.

Sam leaned forward to grab something out of the front seat, he picked up flowers and a envelope.

"Forgive me?"

"You were already forgiven, looser." I said, joking at the last part.

"I'm your looser." He said, leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek.

My whole face went red, I could hear Colby chuckle from the front seat. "Indeed you are." I giggled and gave Sam a peck on the lips.


I hope you guys enjoyed that, I'll be updating later in the week as well 😊


Sam and Colby Imagines (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt