House Of Horrors Pt. 2

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(Sam's POV)

"Okay." I sat across from Wendy, Y/N's best friend. "So, what's the plan, then?" I looked at their poorly drawn map.

"Well," She started. "Simple. We're going to go around to the front, because there are less cops there, they expect kids like us to go around the back, so they have most their men there. Once we're in the front, we'll quickly jump the fence," she covered half her face like she was telling a secret and sarcastically "whispered" "Not like we've ever jumped the fences to get out of school," then continued on with the plan. "Once we're over the fence, we're bound to get chased by a policeman, BUT!" She flipped the map around. "They won't follow us into the actual asylum. So we outrun the guards." She got closer and slammed her hands on the table. "We get inside our petty little asylum."

"You're so extra." Y/N came out of no where. My heart started beating faster when I heard her voice, I looked at her and it was like all my other problems me- "Sam?" She was snapping right next to my face.

"Huh?" I snapped back into reality.

"I said; How's it going? You look like your daydreaming over there." She giggled.

"Sorry," I rubbed the back of my head and chuckled. "It's been going, I guess." I never looked up at her.

"Awesome. She sat down and took the map from Wendy. "This is gonna be so dope."

"What time are we leaving, Colby?" I asked looking around, having no idea where he is.

"6:30. It'll almost be dark by then, so it'll be easier to get in." He came in with lemonade from the kitchen.

"Why would that make it easier to get it?" I asked while taking a most likely spiked lemonade.

"The dark!" Wendy yelled. "The darker it is....." she got closer. "The harder it is to see us."

"Extraaaaaa." Y/N said right before taking a sip of her lemonade.

"Call it what you want, but I have a boyfriend." She flipped her hair.

"Your boyfriend is extra, too."

"Rude." Colby chuckled.

"I think since we're actually doing this, we're all a little extra." I pointed out.

"Point taken." Y/N giggled.

"Sam 1, Y/N 0." Colby made a point board with his fingers.

"Actually, I should have like a thousand points." She and Wendy giggled.

"Well, we have about 20 minutes before we have to leave, so I say we go check this place out." Colby started gathering the things.

"Alright, let's do this!" Wendy grabbed her bag and Colby and her ran out of the house.

I started towards the door when I noticed that Y/N hadn't even stood up, yet. I walked back over and sat next to her. "Hey, you alright?"

She rubbed her face. "Yes." She took a deep breath. "Maybe?" She swung herself back. "No! I don't think I can do this. Are we really doing this? This is so stupid." She stood up and started walking back and forth. "You're all a bunch of idiots!"

"I don't want to go either," I threw my hands up. "I just figured if I didn't go....." I had to think of an excuse fast. "You guys would think I'm a wuss or something....."

She giggled. "No one thinks you're a wuss, it would've been smart to back down actually. Have you ever heard of the stuff that goes down in haunted asylums?"

"No, I don't really believe in that stuff." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Well I do, and it doesn't seem pleasant. They call it the "House of Horrors" , because people say that everything they've seen happen in a horror movie... Happens." She stood up and held her hand out. I looked at her confused. "Sam Golbach... Will you take my hand and walk down those haunted halls with me?" She said pretending to be noble.

Sam and Colby Imagines (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora