100 Follow Special! Pt. 2

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Little note before the story starts:

I felt bad for having gotten in trouble! I got my stuff taken, which is why I didn't post another story! So, yeah, sorry!!! So Colby won the vote, if you guys can get this to 20 votes I'll do the same chapter with the second highest votes (Dan Howell). Okay? Okay. So, here we goooooooooooo!!!!


(Your POV)

I looked at all their faces... How can I choose?! Josh Dun... I mean.... This is JOSH DUN, but then there's Dan AND Phil who both want to ask me out?!?! AND SAM AND COLBY?!?!?!

This is the hardest decision of my life....

"Um... I need some time to think about this... I'm kind of in the spotlight here.." I muttered.

"No problem, let me just give you my number." JOSH DUN offered.

I took down all their numbers and they walked away. As I was about to walk away, myself, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey," Colby rubbed his neck. "Sorry we kinda put all that pressure on you, it wasn't right for us to do that."

I felt my cheeks get hot. "Okay. When are you picking me up?" I giggle nervously.

"Really?" He smiled, flashing me with his perfectly white teeth.

I nodded.

"Um, I. I don't know, I'll text you! I have to go now, but I'll... I will text you okay?" He smiled and ran to catch up with Sam...

I never gave THEM my number, they just gave me theirs.

I slapped my forehead.


(Colby's POV)

I caught up with Sam and we walk to the car silently. Once we got to the car, he broke the silence.

"That concert... WAS THE BEST!" He slammed his hands on the steering wheel happily.

"Yeah, it was pretty great, AND bonus, we stood by JOSH FRICKEN DUN!"

"That was a huge bonus! And Tyler! Until he realized what we were asking. I wish he had stayed though, that guy gives off the happiest vibes."

"Oh yeah." I laughed.


We got home and Sam jumped in the shower. I went to my room and flopped down on my bed.

*ding ding ding*

My phone:

(Unknown number): You never got my number, so I mean... You couldn't call me... Haha, just add my number and text me whenever. It's Y/N btw...

Me: Okay, thanks. ;p

I added her number to my phone. I couldn't help, but smile. I don't even know her that much at all, but... She was super cool tonight!

I set my phone down and fell asleep right away.


(Your POV)

Today was fracking crazy! I wanted to text every single one of them. Like... Josh Dun wanted to go out with me, he put his damn phone number in my phone!!!!! I stared at all the numbers.

Dan's stood out to me the most... Why?

He added a picture... A dorky, quick taken selfie.

I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny, cracker?" My roomate (Y/Bestfrens/N) came in.

"Nothing. Just a funny Instagram picture!" If I tell her what happened, she would never leave me alone about giving her those numbers!!

"Let me see!" She jumped onto my bed."

"I lost it!" I quickly said turning off the illuminated screen.

"Okay?" She giggled and laid down. "So?.... How'd the concert go?!" She asked excitedly.

"Great!!! Best concert EVER!!!!!! They played (your favorite song) like I was hoping!!! Man.... It was crazy! I even saw Jenna Joseph sitting not far from where we were!!"

"We?! Who's we??" She smiled.

"Oh. I ran into some kind people who let me through." I flung myself back.

"You like them. I know it!! I can see it in your eyes!!! Who were they? Tell me everything!!!"

"Oh... Their names are Sam, Phil, Colby, and Dan...." I mixed them up hoping she wouldn't notice.


She figured it out....

"Yeah." I showed her the pictures then we went to bed.


There's more to come!!!! I just wanted to get something up!!! Sorry, I've been so busy, but I'm back, now!!!!

Sam and Colby Imagines (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now