Sam and Colby Pt. 1

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(Your POV)

I ran out of the house. Tears falling from my eyes. "Y/N!! Get back here, now!!" I never turned back, I just ran. Ran far. I heard a car getting closer and closer, once it caught up to me it slowed down. "Get in the car. You're coming home, now."

"No." I said and ran into the apartment complex. I knocked on the door and a blonde opened the door.

"Y/N? What're you doing here?" Sam said with a confused look.

"Is Colby here?" I asked rushing in and shutting the door and locking it.

"What's going on?" Sam said following me to Colby's room.

"My dad again. He's out of control. He's out there... Waiting... I can't go home Sam! Not when he's like this!" Sam held me to his chest

"It's okay, you can stay here until things clear up." He held my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "I'll go get Colby, you wait here."

There was a huge bang on the door. I ran into the hallway and Sam was knocking on Colby's door. I grabbed Sam and ran into his room and ran in. "Yeah?" Colby opened his door. I ran to his door and grabbed his wrist and ran back into Sam's room. I shut the door and locked it.

"What's going on?" Sam and Colby asked at the same time. There was another pound on the door.

"Listen, my dad and I got into an argument and.. He started hitting me.. I ran out a-"

"He did what???" Colby grabbed my hand and pulled me to the other side of the room. "Are you okay?.. Are you hurt?" I looked down in shame. He grabbed my chin and lifted my head.

"I..." I rolled up my sleeves exposing the finger marks my dad left on my wrists. "There's more... But.. They aren't as visible." Colby moved my hair away from my neck and there were my dads hand marks on them.

"He choked you??" Colby said loudly. Sam flipped his head over and walked over.

"What's going on?" He asked in an angered tone. "He choked you?" Then there was loud crash on the door and my fathers yells got louder and closer.

"I know you're in here!! Come out, now!!" He yelled.

Sam grabbed my wrist and tugged me to the window. He walked to his closet and grabbed a large rope. He tied it around my waist and opened the window. "I got you.. We have to get out of here."

My dad slammed the door and I just jumped. Sam followed after me. "How am I supposed to get down??" Colby yelled.

"Tie the rope on something!" Colby's head disappeared for a while. When he came back he looked worried.

Sam and I looked at each other. Despite everything that had just happened we rushed up to the apartment. The door was completely broken. When we ran to Sam's room the doorknob had been broken off. We could hear screaming coming from the inside. I pushed the door open and my dad had the rope around Colby's neck.

"No!!" Sam said charging at my dad. My dad let go of the rope and cut Colby some slack. I ran to Colby and untied the rope so he could breath easier. "Go!!" Sam yelled loudly while holding off my dad.

I ran out of the room expecting them to be right behind me. I turned around the looked toward the door. "Don't look back." Colby said shutting the door and locking it. I ran to the door and hit it over and over. I could hear all of them struggling. I went into Colby's room and searched his closet. In the corner was a bat.

"Please work." I said to myself and ran back to the locked door. I shut my eyes and swung the bat and the door opened. I felt the bat hit someone. I was too afraid to open my eyes.....


Come back later to see who you hit!! Was it Sam?? Was it Colby?? Or was it your father?? Guess you won't know for a while, huh? ;) have a nice day!

-Jaazzy 😍💖

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