Chp. 1 Sunday evening

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Chapter 1

Sunday evening

All that could have been seen was a huge cooked dough like orb, coated with a multitude of sprinkled cheese, chopped pinapple, diced ham and a pool of tomato sauce.

The six best friends were at their locate pizza parlor, staring at the center of the table that held this large, family sized pizza.

They were all starving after a very active day. So here they were, just chilling at one of their favourite places near home.

After some long conversations, lots of laughs, pizza eating and soda drinking, they decided to get the check and head out.

After paying the bill, they sat there for about eight minutes, discussing something of great importance or not.

"Ashley, OH MY GOSH!" said Jessica.

Everyone looked at Jessica in question.

"I can't believe that I'm only now reconizing this!" she continue.

Ashley gave her the most puzzled look.

"Your nails! I just love that colour, it's to die for!" Ashley then began to smile, as Clarissa pulled Ashley's hand towards her to examine what Jessica was speaking of.

"That is a really nice colour, for real." she said. "Well thank-you darlings, you all are too kind.This was done by my sister." said Ashley with British-like accent.

The girls all laughed in a giggle like tone.

"You have got to be kidding me! Nail polish." said Chaz.

The boys were all puzzled as to why nail polish was such a big thing for girls.

Ryan said "I mean, yeah, it's a nice colour and all. But, seriously, why do you'll fantasize so much about it?"

"And don't your nails get tired after all that constant applying of nail polish" added Justin.

Each girls glared across the table at each boy.

However, Clarissa began to speak, "Well some of us dont 'constantly apply the nail polish'.

But this is just something that we girls like.

Just how you boys like video games, we like nail polish. It's as simply as that."

The boys replied "whatever!" in unison. And with that they decided to leave.

As they walked down the street that their houses were placed on, they would gradually stop as they came across one of their homes.

Only Justin and Clarissa were left alone, as they lived right next to each other.

Upon approaching their homes, Justin stopped infront of Clarissa's walkway.

"Well, I guess I'll see you in the morning to walk to school, right?" he asked.

"Sure! Six forty-five like usual." she smiled. There was a sudden silence. "Well...good-night?" he said breaking the silence.

"Good-night Justin" she giggled.

"So what? I don't get my good-night hug, tonight?" He replied jokingly with his arms wide open.

Clarissa then turned around with a big grin on her face and gave him a big, long, satisifying hug. She then pulled away, "Happy now?" she asked jokingly.

"You don't even know how much I am!" he replied with a huge grin. "Whatever, good-night Justin."

And with that she walked up to the front door of her house, leaving Justin to stare at the empty pathway.

All that was running thought Justin's mind upon entering his bedroom, was that hug that he received from Clarissa.

And he did secretly have a thing for Clarissa, but the problem was did she have one for him?

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