Chp. 8 "Guess what?"

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Chapter 8

"Guess what?"

Justin's POV

It's been two weeks since Clarissa and I's......make-out session I guess you can call it? But whatever, ever since that or those previous events, we've become closer than ever. I'm actually glad that I did what I did.

I was currently in the basement at my house with Clarissa....who else ;).......but we were watching movies, since it wad just an average Friday night. We were watching some movie that I honestly wasn't paying attention to, but apparently it had Clarissa's full attention. 

Our bodies were only centimetres apart and I couldn't help but gaze at her natural beauty. She could spend hours, days even, arguing to me about how much she isn't beautiful, but at the end,I'd always win due to her giving in.That's why I gave her that 'nickname', 'beautiful', or a 'nickname' as she'd call it. Because to me, truly was beautiful in my eyes, she was the definition and beyond of it.

I must have been staring for a long while, because it was then that I'd realized that the movie was paused and Clarissa was just watching me with her lips in motion. Oh my gosh, I think she's talking....snap out of it Justin, snap out of it!

"JUSTIN!!" she exclaimed, oh her voice. You can just get goosebumps by hearing it.

"Oh yeah. Sorry." I said trying to look away, but failed.

"Why are you staring at me soo much? You're creeping me out."

Way to go Justin! You've crept her put.

"Is there something on my face?" she questioned as she touched he face, as if in search for something that wrong on her perfectly-shaped face and all it's gorgeous features.

I pulled her hand away, receiving a look of confusion but returned a look of sympathy. But before I could say anything, I eswas questioned, by Clarissa, unexpectedly.

"Are you going ot be cheesy again?" she giggled.

"In my defence, I don't think so." I chuckled, "I'm just about to say the truth."

"Which is?" she asked while arching her eyebrow.

"That your face is perfectly fine. Purely and truly beautiful actually." I stated while looking into her eyes.

She looked down at her hands and blushed, a scarlet red, ....oh, how cute she looked...she then rose her head, looked me in the eye and said,

"You never stop making people like you, eh Bieber."

I chuckled, "Everyone doesn't like me! Even if I try!"

Then she said something that made my cheeks hurt, due to my smiling that now beyond ear-to-ear. Even my heart began to flutter.

"Don't worry about them anyways! Just know, for sure, that I like you. Always have and always will." she smiled small.

Clarissa's POV

Justin and I were in his basement talking, since the movie was over, but I'm not sure if her realized that. We were just talking and it reached a point where Justin said that everyone doesn't like him, and that's understandible because not everyone will like evryone (that's just how the world is). However, I told him that atleast I liked him. But that wasn't fully true. I actually loved him. These past few days have made me come ot the realization of it. But I was kinda scared of his response if I told him that I did love him. One part was telling me to just let go and tell him and another part was telling me to wait it out for a while.

I was somewhat interrupted by Justin's voice. If we could hear angels, he'd be sharing the same voice as them. 

"Well guess what?" Justin questioned. I could sense nervousness in his voice.

"I love you Clarissa." he said and then kissed me.

One word.

Magical ;)

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