Chp. 3 Surprise

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Hey guys! I just wanted to send you'll the link for this book's trailer. Somehow, Wattpad isn't accepting the YouTube link. So, check it out and keep on reading. This is my first book, that I'm writing, so thanks. Here's the link-

Chapter 3


Thursday evening, Ashley and Jessica deciding to sleep over at Clarissa’s.

They lied to Justin and said they had a big group project to do for their Sewing class.

However, on the morning of his birthday they lied and said that they all got sick off of the take-out that they had ordered last night, but they wished him a happy birthday.

He was then left to walk to school by himself.

Even though they had cars and could've drive, both Justin and Clarissa preferred to walk to school as it was only 2 miles away.

But this morning Ryan picked him and Chaz up.

Due to all of this sneaking around, a major plan was all behind it and only the five teenagers and their parents knew about it.

Ryan and Chaz kept in contact with the girls all day, as the three boys practically spent the entire school day together.

The girls weren’t really sick.

However, as soon as they got a text from Ryan saying that they were at school, they girls got ready and headed out to set up and prepare for later.

Everything was in order.

And the girls were suddenly better, well according to Justin. So they got dressed and went to the bowling alley.

Everyone was excited, but Justin was just normal, basically because he didn’t know what was in store for him.

When they got there, he was shocked, aback and over joyed.

Everything then made sense to him. The girls getting 'sick', Ryan on his phone for practically the entire day, Clarissa leaving school early for the pass week.

It all began to hit him. However, he was both thankful and proud of his friends.

As to how well they kept it a secret and how thoughtful they were to even do something like this for him.

As they continued to walk through the huge room lined with lanes which had balls and pins scattered all over them and chairs that were spilled randomly around computer-like devices, reflecting letters and digits, Justin was being greeted by everyone.

And now, that the guest of honour had arrived, the party come start.

However, during the entire celebration, Clarissa was the busiest person.

As since this entire thing was all her idea, she wanted to make sure that it was perfect for Justin. So, she could be all over the alley that night.

Justin and the others were bowling, snacking, chatting and laughing.

And this made Clarissa happy to see the smile that she caused to appear on one of her best friend's face.

As she was one of those persons, who valued putting smiles on people's faces.

She just loved seeing other people happy and enjoying themselves.

Even though she was all over the place, she was having a good time, as she was in a good atmosphere and all.

"Man, this is sure a hella cool party!" Ryan semi-shouted over al the noise.

"Yeah! thanks again you guys." Justin responded.

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