Chp. 9 "Stuck in the moment with you"

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Chapter 9

"Stuck in the moment with you "

Justin's POV

They say love is soo many things that there isn't just one true meaning for it. Love is just best understood when you find it. Or when it finds you. Some say that at your teenage years is when you first start to find and know and learn about this thing we call love, but yet, they also say that as teenagers, we're just too young too fall in love. I find that interesting due to the fact that when you get older and say, perhaps you meet someone that is many years older than you or vice versa, the saying 'age is but a number' comes into conversation. So what makes it any different between teenage love and adult love. We're all looking for the same thing, and society just needs to get out of everyone else's business. Love is just undescribeable. And when you find 'the one', you just tend to know. Love can make you wild beyond things you ever thought you could do. But one thing that I think we can all agree on, about love, is that it is magical.

A grand smile was visible on my face, as I looked down at Clarissa, who was sound asleep in my arms. We were lying down on top of a lot of blankets and pillows, that were on the ground infront the television in my basement.

The memories of last night came rushing though my head, and it just caused my smile to grow wider if possible. The realization of the pain in my cheeks was just ignored by my level of happiness.


"Well guess what?" I questioned, the presence of nervousness was probably noticeable.

"I love you Clarissa." I said and then kissed her.

At first, I was just somewhat scared because I didn't know what reaction I would get, but it was just me taking a risk I guess. And thank God, it paid off. As I felt Clarissa kiss back, it was like the stroke of the clock on New Years all over the world, but just the both of us. At that moment, I then realized that even though most of my life was already spent with her, she was my soulmate. I was suppose to spend the rest of my life with her. All along 'the one' was right infront of me and thank God she was the one and only.

When we pulled away, smiles were clear as day on both of our faces. And then she said five simple words that made my heart flutter.

"I love you too Justin" she smiled even bigger. Our foreheads were connected, as we looked deeply into one another's eyes. This was one of those moments when we'd just wish that nothing else would happen. You just feel complete, here with this person. You feel like if you've understood the true meaning of love. And not only do you feel like you've understand it but also felt it in an undescribable way. It's just you and this person that you've been searching for. No one else. But you and I.


As I felt a sudden movement, I was knocked out of my thoughts. I looked down to see a beauitful Clarissa awakening. As her eyes fluttered open and she rubbed them, I brushed her hair with my hand continuously for a while.

"Good Morning Beautiful." were my exact words, finished with a smile.

She looked around, becoming familar with her surroundings. She then looked up at me and blushed. I also heard a faint giggle, and I wouldn't mind hearing the giggle for the rest of my life.

"Good Morning to you to Justin." Her blushing was still noticeable but extremely cute. "So.....what you wanna do today?" she questioned.

"Anything that you want to do," I grinned not taking my eyes off of her. it amazed me how someone could look soo beautiful in the morning after just waking up. "it doesn't matter to me. I'm just stuck in the moment with you right now." I think with that, she was resembling the colour of a tomato.

"Well, I guess today we'll just relax and enjoy this moment that we're stuck in. Cause believe it or not, but I'm stuck in the moment with you too." she smiled.

And that's exactly what we did that day. Enjoyed one another's company while being stuck in this moment.

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