Chp. 4 Feelings Exposed

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Hey guys! I am soooooooooooooooooooo sorry for not uploading sooner, I really am. I just had soon and training and you know how it is being a teenager in this world, but there is no need for excuses, I am really sorry, really I am. So here is the next chapter, feelings exposed and not all of their feelings are exposed but continuing on in the book their world of feeling would be revealed. Thank you again for being sooo patient. Remember to vote, share, follow and comment :D

Chapter 4

Feelings Exposed


With so much joy filled within him that was brought to him by Clarissa. He looked down at the puppy      that was in his arms smiling happily and its new owner and then Justin looked up at Clarissa, who was watching him and the puppy in otter amazement along with everyone else, and he walked up to her, said thank-you, gave her a huge hug and then kissed her for about ten seconds…..on the lips.



The sound of loud whistles, screams, wolf-whistles and all that could have been heard from not a very far distance. Pretty close actually.

I slowly opened my eyes, realizing that Justin and I were doing both doing the in unison, a centimeter apart from each other.

I asked myself, in complete shock while looking down at the ground, ‘Did that just happen?’

I decided to look up, but upon doing this, I realized that neither Duke nor Justin was anywhere in sight, but only to see the same crowd and them returning to their original chitter-chatter, I just looked around nervously but curiously.

I was in shock that he kissed me.

But what left me in more shock was that after he kissed me…..he left? I was rather baffled by that.

After what just happened……I just needed some air.

Not in a building, stuffed with people! But by myself.

To think and try to comprehend what just happened and……I really needed to get some air.

With this party, I’ve been busy and just going and going for this past week.

So, upon making this decision, I decided to take a step outside and just sit on the hood of my car and try to comprehend what just happened, without looking back, to focused in my thoughts.  


As I opened my eyes, the only thing that ran through my mind was one question and only question only, ‘What the hell did you just do Justin?’

I looked at Clarissa but her eyes weren’t looking into mine, however, it more so met the ground.

I felt somewhat embarrassed, stupid, scared, sad, but happy.

With a mixture of these feelings, the only thing that I wanted to know was how she felt about what I had just done.

The feeling that I felt the most somehow though, was scared.

I was scared that our friendship might be completely awkward now.

And honestly, I didn’t want that.

I mean, come on?! Who wants that? A friendship that was built from since childhood to soon adulthood, just instantly becomes awkward?! Nope! I’m sorry! Not me! I decided to dash off and find someone to just hold Duke for me for a while.

However, might I add that Clarissa completely out did herself and honestly, I was extremely happy, pleased and most of all thankful that she did all this mainly and mostly by herself, with the exception of help.

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