Chp. 6 'Why did he stop?'

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Chapter 6

‘Why did he stop?’

The Next Day

I was in the most peaceful slumber that I’d had in days. While planning all of Justin’s surprise party, school, homework, acting normal around Justin (or trying to) and all my other extra-curricular activities took up most of my time for the past few days, I’d hardly received any sleep, whatsoever.

So there I was as peaceful as can be, only to be slightly awakened by a knock on my door. I groaned, pulling my pillow over my head, practically as an indication for the person knocking to enter my ‘cave’, although I’m pretty sure that it was just my mom or something.

However, to my amazement, it wasn’t her. I only began to actually wake up and then I rose from beneath my covers when I recognized the voice that was chuckling from my groaning suppose. “I didn’t mean to wake you. Your mom allowed me in.” Justin smiled, nodding back at the door, indicating towards my mom.

“Not a problem.” I smiled. “I was just going to sleep-in today. I’m literally soo tired right, it’s passed not funny.” I continued, while wiping my face with my hands, still trying to awake myself.

“Seriously, why don’t you just go back to sleep then?! I can tell you’re fighting it.”Justin sat on the big purple bean bag in the corner of my room.

“Well I can’t sleep now.” I giggled, “But don’t worry about it? I’ll just wait till you leave.”

“Okay, but I think that I should go. I just really came to say thanks for such an awesome birthday. Like, you truly are a good…no, no, no, the best, most awesomest friend ever. You made it, a birthday to remember. And it’s all thanks to you. Every aspect was just amazing. And I can see what you’re soo tired. That must’ve taken a lot out of you with planning such an amazing party, being added to your hectic schedule. But, yeah! Thanks.”

His grin getting wider and wider as he thanked me and that’s when I saw something in his eyes.

Something more than the beautifully amazing friend I had.

But a thing more of happiness with a mixture of one that wasn’t understandable to me.

One thing I knew was it was different and it was only now that I’d realize the way he was looking at me.

It was as if he saw something he truly loved.

But I knew that it wasn’t me, I knew that I was looking too horrible for him to be truly looking at me like that for the least.

But then again, after yesterday’s little incident at his party, did he really love me?

I decided to speak, as there was a long non-awkward silence beginning to creep over us.

“You’re welcome! It was the least that I could do for such a friend like you.You deserved it and I’m really glad to know that you enjoyed it a lot.” I smiled happily, honestly feeling the way that I told him I did.

He rose from the bean-bag still with a grin from ear-to-ear; I’m sure his cheeks were hurting.

“Okay! Well thanks again and I’ll go let you sleep.” He stated while holding onto the doorknob.

As he was about to turn it clockwise, I stopped him.

“Justin!” I exclaimed flying off of my bed.

I saw as he turned his head with a puzzled look, but I ignored it and ran to him, giving him one of the biggest hugs I could give.

I was overjoyed when he hugged back with such strong arms of his.

As I pulled away, our eyes made four and the distance between us slowly began to lessen and lessen and before you knew it, there was a rather hot make-out session happening in the four walls of my room.

However, instead of ending it there, I became quite intense and I honestly, for the first time in my entire life, understood how the ‘sparks’ or ‘fireworks’, that everyone speaks about, felt.

We pulled away, gasping for breath.

I hadn’t even realized that I was pushed against the door with my legs warped around his waist.

When we were finally back to our normal breathing-pace, I asked him, “What about you stay and just spend the rest of the day with me?” in a soft but seductive way.

He smiled, “I’d love that...Our own lazy day.”

“Yes, our own lazy day.” I returned the smile, pecking him once.

We were both speaking in practically under a whisper, but loud enough for the other to hear.

“Now, can you put me down please?”

We giggled and walked over to my bed, after he gently placed me back on the floor to stand on my own two feet, turning on the television, checking to see what movies Netflix had.

We practically spent the rest of the day together just laughing, eating and watching movies.

Practically, we spent from like around 8 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon just relaxing and well….being ‘lazy’.



I walked out the shower and got dressed in a basketball pants and a baseball top.

I put my curly, thick, medium brown hair in a slack high bun and then walked out of my bathroom, I was having a lazy day, you know.

So I really didn’t care how I looked.

As I stepped out my bathroom, I didn’t see Justin.

I was somewhat puzzled as to where he could’ve gone ‘cause we were about to watch the movie ‘Baggage Claim’.

Then, after that, everything happened so quickly.

I was about to go get my IPhone off of the pink and white vintage dresser to the left corner of my bedroom, when suddenly, all the power when out, “You’ve got to be shitting me!” I hissed.

However, it was only like around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, so it wasn’t pitch-black dark, but it was still quite dark.

In less than under a minute after the lights when out, I felt a pair of strong bare arms warp around my waist lifting me against the force of gravity, spinning me in a non-dizzily way and gently rested my body, on the big queen-sized bed that had cheetah print sheets, as if it was a fragile piece of glass; not wanting to get broken.

Realization suddenly came upon me, now knowing who this person was.

Looking up just confirmed my knowledge of who I thought it truly was.

As I looked up, even though it was dark, I saw an over-joyed Justin as his soft, moist lips formed one of his signature crooked smiles.

And his eyes…..oh Lord…those eyes.

Those caramel-chocolate pools glistening down at me.

Every blink was soft but flirtatious.

He then lowered his head, seductively beginning to nibble on my ear lob.

He slowly began planting a trail of wet, firm kisses down my jawline.

As he got closer and closer, I longed to taste those soft lips.

As he was a centimeter away from finally kissing my weak lips, he chuckled and removed himself from above me, exiting my dark room with a smirk on his face, I suppose.

I laid there in a somewhat confused but amused way.

But there was one question that was continuously circulation within my head

‘Why did he stop?’

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