Chapter 2

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By the time the Pigmasks arrived with the clay man, we were all quite antsy. Especially the Commander, I couldn't help but notice him furiously pacing outside of the temple. "It's about time, how does bringing that block take you an hour?" He shouted at the Pigmask who quickly apologized, saluting the Commander before running off to stand with the others of his rank. Returning my watching eyes to the temple, the clay man began ramming into it, shoulder first. A sickening slamming noise reminded me of a stone hitting another stone dead on. The sounds made it seem like both surfaces would shatter but the vines stayed in tact. With a growl the Commander whipped a bomb at the vines. The only thing destroyed was the clay man itself.
I turned at the sound of a quiet pacing noise. Who could be here now? Was the first thought to pop into my head. A blonde boy wearing denim blue shorts and a yellow and red striped shirt, chocolate brown scruffy dog with a red collar, a brunette middle aged man in a blue long sleeve and magenta pants, and a hot pink haired young adult wearing a blue tunic dress walked into the open area. I couldn't help but wonder who they were and what they wanted. Two Majors charged at them, which was quite idiotic considering they have no idea what these people and their dog had in store for us or if they were even hostile. I stood back along with the lower ranking pigmasks. I heard a shuffle of feet and looked to my left, the masked Commander had moved closer to watch the fight. Within minutes the two Majors were stepping back, they both sustained dreadful injuries.
"Come on." The Commander mumbled, beckoning me to follow him. I knew I had to give it my all, I couldn't bear to see him hurt or more humiliated than he already was.
As we approached the small group, the Commander took out his sword and spun it. It gleamed and reflected the sun off of it's shining yellow surface. I knew what was coming. A crack echoed through the air and lightning struck the group with a blinding white flash, but to my surprise, didn't hurt them. Instead, it seemed to bounce back like a ball. It struck our now even more furious Commander, causing him to be knocked to the ground, landing on his rump. Rushing over, I extended my hand to help him up. He took it and pulled himself onto his feet. "Shall we?" I simply asked, receiving a nod. This was our cue to attack.
I retrieved my blaster from the pocket on my jacket and prepared it. The Commander grinded his teeth together and tightly held onto his sword. For what seemed like seconds, it was so silent that you could hear your heart and everyone else's heart beating. But the Commander's didn't exactly fit in. Instead of a rhythm of thumping, there was a soft 'tick...tick...tick' that came from his chest I was sure was mechanical.

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