Chapter 3

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It was obvious that whoever these people were, they meant trouble. The Commander and I stood back-to-back, prepared for any attacks thrown at us. The little fight opened up when the scruffy brown dog snarled and lunged at me. As a Pigmask I'm supposed to be tough and merciless. But I just couldn't bring it to myself to kill an animal, even if it was attacking me. Instead, I moved the arm that it's glistening white teeth were aimed for and knocked it down with a kick. I sure hope that thing doesn't have rabies... I thought myself as I turned to face a pink haired girl. She had an angry ambitious look plastered on her features and I knew she meant business. Although she was a bit older than me, I was sure I could take her. She opened up the brawl with a punch, however, she used her PSI and her punch was flaming. What I was about to do might violate some rule, but I didn't care. I removed my helmet and dropped it on the ground. "Whoo, that sure was stuffy. Now how about we fight for real?" I let my hair stay pinned up and fired a beam at the girl. Behind me I could hear the Commander fighting the blonde boy and the brunette man. Where'd that flea bag dog go? I silently asked myself and a Pk Thunder was aimed at me. Catching me off guard, it struck dead on. Two at that. Almost immediately, I blacked out and the blackness shrouded my vision as my body hit the grass with a quiet thump.

As my eyes fluttered open, I stared up at the ceiling. Where am I? How did I get here? What happened after I passed out? Multiple questions invaded my mind but I couldn't answer any of them at this moment. Instead I attempted to sit up, I needed a better view of where I was. "Don't."
The simple word struck me almost like the lightning and I turned my head to the right, where the voice came from. To my surprise, a fellow Pigmask was seated next to my bed. Then it hit me, we were in my room. The Pigmask lifted up it's helmet so I could recognize them. "Katrina?" I addressed the blonde girl who pulled her helmet back down. "I told you to call me Kat! Anyway, you need to rest for a bit."
I laughed, "Oh sorry. Did you bring me here?" I layed back down and watched the ceiling. "Oh no no no," The thin girl a bit older than me started, "The Commander did. By the way, the battle was lost." Kat said this like it was nothing, but it was everything to me. My stomach sank at the mention of the battle being lost and I immediately was worried about the Commander. "I'm sorry Kat but I have to go." I struggled out of my bed and quickly walked away to get dressed.
Once I was in my full uniform, I walked out into the hallway. Many things were yelled by Kat. Including 'Come back, you aren't healed yet!'
"Shoot, where is he now." I turned and quietly ran dowm the hall. It was a painful and quick journey, people always said I was as quiet as an owl but as reckless as a child. Peeking my head into the break room, I looked to where the Commander usually sat alone at. No one. Where could he be? A few minutes passed as I wandered the halls. When I walked past Master Porky's office, I decided I would ask him. When I entered the office I saw the Commander kneeled on the ground in a respectful way. Porky looked over at the movement of the door, but the Commander stayed silent and kept his head down. "Oh just the person I was looking for. Take a seat next to that scrap metal." Porky snarled the words. Quickly I walked over and kneeled down next to the Commander. Peering up as Porky turned and walked to his desk, I watched him walk over and slowly reach for a shelf. "Keep your head down." The Commander whispered, almost breathed into my ear. Figuring he's been here many times and this is my first, I did as he said and tilted my head to look at the ground.
Porky grabbed an object that scraped against the wood shelf. I felt the Commander tense up, brushing against me. Why is he so nervous..? I wondered, feeling a bit sorry for him. No, feeling really sorry for him. Watching my hands, I noticed the Commander's white glove out the corner of my eye. His hand rested on top of mine. I was surprised, but I stayed still.
King Porky walked back over to us and told us to look up at him. He turned his face toward me and muttered "You useless piece of trash!" He growled, raising his hand. That's when I realized what he had.
A whip.
The Commander must have noticed, he lifted his arm to block me. "Don't. Please, she's already injured." Master Porky pondered for a bit before deciding that the Commander would take my punishment. "Fine you love birds.. Romeo, you can take both punishments." Then I was sent into the hallway.

Once the masked man walked into the hall I ran over to him and immediately asked "Why?"
"A girl shouldn't be whipped..." After a bit of silence, I pulled him into a hug he gladly accepted.
he broke down crying.

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