Chapter 7

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I'm not going to spell check this, I'm lazy.
I return next to Claus's bed with Lucas at my side. A heavy blanket of grief lays over us as we helplessly look at the ginger. Tessie eventually gave in to our pleads to save Claus. There still was some good inside of her, no matter who she faced. I couldn't blame Tessie for being scared or freaked out. A person living without a real heart IS weird. "Will he be okay?" My words popped out of my mouth as I tried to lean over Tessie's shoulder to see Claus. "I don't know, lightning like that is very dangerous. If it hit one of you, you'd die, no question." Lucas frowned and wiped his eyes. After a little bit, Claus opened his eyes. "C-Claus!" Lucas almost yelled his brother's name as he ran to the bed side. "You're awake!" "Hold on hold on." Tessie warned Lucas, "He still needs rest." Lucas and I exchanged a glance before stepping back to the wall to allow Tessie some space. "Go wait in the hall please." She looked back at us and then towards the door. With hesitation, we exited the room. This time it was my turn to worry.

When we were allowed back in, we immediately ran to Claus. "You're awake!" I hovered closely at his side, Lucas on the opposite side. "Glad to have you back Claus!" Lucas chimed up, we were both overly excited. "I knew you would pull through." I let my face rest and Claus sat up. "What happened after I blacked out?" Lucas and I exchanged a glance and a feel of uneasiness struck me. Lucas looked from me to Claus and words flew out of his mouth likd birds. He filled Claus in on the few events that occured since the pulling of the final needle. "We need to stop Porky.." Claus whispered. "What? You don't want to side with him anymore?" I tilted my head. Claus looked me in the eye, "I never wanted to. I was brain washed.." He sighed and frowned. Looking down, I struggled to hold back my tears. "I'm sorry..." I whispered. Claus laughed and tried to sit up. "You need rest." Tessie put her hand out. With a hiss, Claus scowled "I'm fine. I need to go." He struggled up, gladly taking the hand I offered him. "Let's go." He said to me and Lucas and ran towards the door. "Claus!" Lucas sprinted out after him. Shrugging, I followed.

Once we were outside we stopped. The heavy wind whipped the trees around so violently it looked as if they'd snap. "Come on you two!" Claus shouted to you and Lucas. Claus extended his hands to pick you both up. "Claus you're insane you can't carry both of us." Lucas shook his head. "T-Take Y/N and I'll meet you wherever you're going." Claus growled and looked at Lucas, "I'm heading to New Pork City." Lucas's eyes widened and he threw his hands over his mouth. "C-Claus no.."
I gazed up at the night sky. For once I wasn't wearing my helmet. For once I left it behind along with my past. I couldn't wait to take this uniform off. Claus opened his wings and turned to me, "Hop on." A little uncertain, I raised an eyebrow. "Eh... I don't know, take Lucas he's more useful." Claus whipped around and looked at me in shock. "Did I say something..?" I was starting to feel worried. "Y/N! I couldn't fight Porky without you. Please." His shining eyes pleaded me, and I couldn't helo but give in. "Oh fine..." I smirked a little when he turned around. Hopping onto Claus's back, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Good thing it was night time, I was blushing like insane. I heard Lucas run off. 'Probably to go catch the train.'
"!" Claus took off and ascended into the air. Before he opened his mouth to speak, I thought for a bit. 'Why did I agree to this? It's terrifying up here. Will I fall?' My thoughts popped like a bubble when the ginger spoke. "It might take a while to get there." Yawning, I looked at the moon amd listened to Claus. "So here's the plan.. Well I don't actually have a plan. But after we defeat Porky, everything will be okay! You know I'm really glad I met you Y/N." "I'm glad you came to your senses, Commander~" I put emphasis on his old title, he shook his head. "I did wrong things as the commander.." Resting my chin on his shoulder, I felt the wind wave through my hair. A silence weighed on our shoulders and I once again could think. 'Did I fall for Claus?'

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