Chapter 9

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We slinked over to the doorway and looked out into the hallway. "Lucas!" Claus shouted down the hall. I was going to hush him but decided if 'it' came after us we could run.
We inched out into the long hall. The stench of fresh and dried blood was enough to make one gag. Further toward where we were heading, a thump sounded. "We need to find Lucas and get out of here." Claus firmly said, continuing down the hall. Nodding, I followed him. Occasionally we'd poke our heads into a room and call Lucas's name. "Did he go outside?" Claus asked himself, "Let's go check."
"Wait what's that?" I grabbed Claus's wrist, stopping him and pointing down the other hall. A big red object was still. Narrowing my eyes to peer down the hall I held my breath. "Claus, it's the ultimate chimera." I whispered. Tilting his head, he raised his eyebrows. "It's asleep. If Lucas were here it'd be chasing him still.." Claus quietly said before taking my hand and running out of the building. Greeted with a wave of fresh air, I gasped. "That building smells awful." Outside, we found Lucas sitting by a small pond. "Lucas!" The two of us sprinted over to the blonde. "Are you guys okay!?" Lucas exclaimed when he turned and saw us. We exchanged a glance before looking at Lucas and nodding. "Well, Porky is locked in a capsule forever. The Pigmasks here are dead. What now?" I tilted my head. We all went silent. "I guess we go home." Lucas sighed. Claus frowned and looked over to me. "It seems the threads of our fates crossed so long ago. But yet, it's only been a little while." Lucas looked down to the ground. "It's not like we'll never see each other again. Maybe we'll meet up again someday." The blonde boy kicked a stone. It flung into the pond, the water splashed and shined in the moonlight. "Don't say that Lucas!" Claus snapped at his brother, frowning. "I simply refuse the idea that we're going our separate ways." Lucas shrugged, "Maybe we can all go back to Tazmily now and live normal lives." Claus shook his head, "My life will never be normal. So much has happened in so little time." The ginger started to sadden. Lucas broke down and sobbed. I never really witnessed him do that, this was a first. His heavy sobs racked his body and filled the air. Claus and I stood side by side, watching. I noticed his face was slightly troubled, he looked like he was going to do the same as Lucas. Multiple emotions filled the air, sadness, confusion, frustration, and hope. Claus's cheeks were stained with his own tears when I looked over again. Except they weren't all streaks of wetness like Lucas's. They were streaks of black oil, and regular tears. It really was an odd sight. I let myself fall onto my knees in front of Lucas, who was doing the same. I managed to stay strong so far, but I lost it. The three of us all gave in to emotion for a while.
Once it was calmer than before, I looked to Claus. He crawled over to put his face close to my own. Lucas struggled to wipe away his tears, only for more to replace the ohers. Claus placed his hands on my cheeks. "Promise that you'll never leave me." I grew a little red but nodded, "I promise." Forgetting his brother was even there, Claus pressed his lips against my own. I felt my tears being wiped away as I melted into the kiss. Seconds passed, and it was silent. After pulling away for air, we looked to Lucas who simply smiled. Returning our gazes to each other, we whispered in sync,
"I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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