Chapter 5

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After the Commander filled me in on the underground area below the city, we planned to go down there immediately. Apparently the small four member group was headed down there as well. The Commander was supposed to keep the location of this final needle a secret, but I guess I'm trustworthy. I had to secretly go with him to pull the needle, or I had to stay behind. Since I refused to stay, I promised I wouldn't be caught.
When the Pigmasks left we sprinted down the hallway and toward a stairwell. "Hop onto my back so we can fly instead of running." The Commander hurriedly said as he opened his wings and made space for me to jump on. Without fear, I got on and wrapped my arms around him, just above his chest. Running to get a start for gliding, he ran down the hall towards the stairs. Just before stepping down the first board he lifted his foot off the ground and spiraled down, skimming over the stairs.

Eventually we made it down and ran toward a large open area. " is!" The Commander panted as he ran to the glowing needle poking out of the hard ground. Staying back a bit, I watched him crouch down and inspect the surface the needle protruded from. It seemed that a powerful aura radiated from the ground there. Just as he reached for the needle, footsteps. "Commander!" I whispered, "someone followed us!"
He snapped his head over to peer at the incoming group. They were the same people we fought at the temple. He stood and turned, pulling his sword out to fight. From the look he gave me I knew he wanted me to stay back. He fired a lightning bolt at the group. It knocked the dog, girl, and the man out instantly. But the blonde was somehow unaffected. Instead the bolt of electricity reflected like sunlight in a mirror and sent the Commander tumbling back. He growled in frustration and embarrassment, fixing his mask that was knocked crooked by the lightning. Standing up, he ran at the blonde, swinging the sword to make contact with the boy. It would have worked but the mysterious boy threw up a shield using PSI. I gazed past him to his friends and what I assumed was their dog. They were all three knocked out cold.
Upon returning my eyes to the fight that broke out in front of me, the blonde was...crying. Why isn't he fighting back? I asked myself. The Commander continued to throw out attacks with his sword and cannon. Every now and then he was stop and gaze around the area as if he was confused as to where he was or who he was. I noticed him starting to slow down more and more until he looked as if he was going to defeat himself. I began to notice the people were trying to convince the Commander that he was someone else. This included an adult who had what looked to be a receding hairline hidden under a western style hat. "Claus, I've been looking for you for so long..." It seemed that everyone was begging the Commander to believe them. With little to no emotion, he fired PSI straight at the adult. Once again, he gazed around the area. I looked in surprise as the Commander took off his mask and dropped it onto the ground. With a scowl, he fired a lightning bolt larger than normal. I knew this was terrible, "Commander!" I ran over, tears filled my eyes as the lightning reflected and struck him in the chest. Throwing off my mask, I dropped to my knees next to where his now weak body was thrown. "I'm not the Commander...I'm Claus, I finally remember. Dad, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you sooner. Lucas, you'll forgive me won't you? And Y/N...I'm going to miss you. You sure helped me a lot, thanks. But why?" I pondered for a bit before looking him in the eyes and saying "Well...I guess I really like you." I let a tear slide down the side of my face. The downfall of the Commander. Or perhaps, Claus. He opened his mouth to speak but it was shut as his breathing became shallow. "Claus..." Lucas sighed and let himself burst into tears. I couldn't help but do the same, grabbing Lucas's wrist and pulling him into my arms. "It's okay Lucas, he's going somewhere better now." I tried to reassure the boy by cooing the words and patting his back. We all bowed out heads in grief, though he did bad things with the Pigmasks he was still the family member that Lucas and his father loved and now missed. "It seems like he lived such a short life. The last time I saw him was when he was ten, now I finally find my lost son and he's...dead." The man looked at Lucas. "Be happy Lucas, we found your brother. Your brother that was missing for three years. But we must look at this in a positive way if we wish to get through this. Claus was hasty is all, you'll forgive your hasty brother won't you?" The pink haired girl walked over and looked down at Lucas, who was wrapped up in hugging his dead twin. I couldn't help but notice that they had the exact same face. Well, they are twins. I felt quite bad, I shut my eyes and set my hand on Claus's. I would have never guessed that this family was torn apart and the Commander of the army I was in was a thirteen year old boy that went missing for three years.

"So Lucas, are you ready to pull the final needle?" The pink haired young adult looked at Lucas. He nodded and stood up, using the back of his hand to wipe away the tears that formed around his eyes and poured down his cheeks. Staying near Claus, I watched as Lucas looked at us all and grabbed the needle that shone gold. It's bright light illuminated the cavern gold. Lucas pulled the needle and everything seemed to move in slow motion. The onlookers, Lucas pulling the needle, me holding Claus close in case anything went wrong, I didn't plan on losing him just yet...

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