Chapter 6

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[Please note I am not following the actual plot of Mother 3, I'm changing it up a bit to make a different story so you are more involved other than just being an implemented useless character.]


The ground began to violently shake and pebbles fell from the caver ceiling. "Outside, hurry!" The cavern was going to collapse. The others began to run but I stayed near Claus, I simply refused to leave his side. "Come on, he's dead let's go!" The girl in the blue tunic shouted at me. Shaking my head, I secured my hand around his wrist. Normally I would feel a pulse or warmth, but he was cold and still. Sprinting over, she grabbed my arm and threw me over her shoulder and turned. "Sorry kid.." She mumbled as she sprinted off. "What are you doing? Put me down, I'm not leaving without him!" I shouted and reached towards the shape of Claus that shrunk as the girl carried me away.

Once the blinding light of the new sun shone in the sky and died down so I could see, I sat up and looked around. "Agh, my head!" I quietly exclaimed to myself and sat up out of bed, walking to the wooden door and opening it. As I stepped into the hallway I noticed figures sitting in the waiting room. Deciding to walk over to them, I stopped in front of the blonde boy that I identified as Lucas. "Lucas? What are you doing here?" I rubbed my head and looked at the boy. Lucas jumped up and hugged me tightly, "Y/N! You're okay! We all came here to check on you and Claus." I accepted the hug and looked at Lucas in confusion. "Claus? Isn't he dead at the cavern?" Lucas gasped and grabbed my wrist, running and pulling me down the hall of the hospital. He pushed open the door to a quiet room. Hooked up to a machine was a messy haired ginger, his eyes were barely closed and I could have sworn they were slightly cracked open. Approaching the bedside, I gazed down at the unconscious red-head and felt my tears once again begin to flood my eyes. "Is he going to be alright?" I looked at the nurse standing i the corner of the room. She wore a pale sunny yellow dress with a white nurse hat and apron. She had long brown hair that swayed at her sides and delicate brown eyes. She gave me a worried look before quietly saying "There is no way to tell, the heart monitor doesn't seem to be working. His injuries are quite fatal, but he's breathing." I turned my eyes to the slow and weak rising and falling of Claus's chest. "He doesn't have a heart." I simply said, walking over to sit next to the bed. A long silence hung onto my words and the room seemed heavy. "Er..pardon?" The nurse tilted her head and looked from me to Claus. Not removing my stare from the ginger, I nodded. "He has no heart, as simple as that." The woman waited a bit before talking again. "Was there a previous relationship between you two?" Feeling my face heat up, I let my hair block my features. "Th-That's preposterous! I mean it in a literal way, just look at his chest." The cozy wooden room suddenly had an echoing noise that I knew was the nurse rushing over to Claus. I looked up and watched her tug down the jacket and shirt to expose Claus's chest. Shrieking, she fell back onto the floor. "That's not the Claus I knew years ago, as if the arm wasn't enough, he's a monster!" She covered her face and scooted away from him, treating him as if he was going to murder her. "What? He's no monster!" I jumped up with a sudden anger that flared up inside me. Shaking her head, the nurse hissed, her brown hair flew around with the shakes of her head. "You said it yourself, he has no heart!" With a frown, I simply asked her, "Will you still help him?" To my surprise, she said no. A nurse refusing to help someone is ridiculous. At least I thought. "Fine! You call yourself a nurse?"

As I left the room, I noticed no other doctors or nurses around. Claus was simply left to die or recover on his own. Of course there was always the possibility of taking him to Dr. Andonuts, but how was I supposed to get him there? Lucas sprinted out after me and had a worried look painted over his face. Growling I looked back at the door, "The nurse is refusing to help him, she said he's a monster." Lucas gasped and put his hand over his mouth be whispering. "T-Tessie would never do that!" I shrugged and leaned against the wall, "Sorry to break it to you Luke, bur she just did. And I mean can you blame her? This is the first thing she's seen out of the ordinary." Lucas still didn't want to accept the horror that was the truth, I watched him burst into tears. Kumatora and Duster turned their attention down the hall and stepped over to oat his shoulders, "Lucas it'll be okay.." The blonde shook his head and almost yelled. "No it won't! He's going to die without help!" Tightening my grip on his shoulders, I calmy said "We'll take him to Dr. Andonuts." Lucas rubbed his eyes, "How will we get him there? We can't fly or teleport." With a shrug, I shook my head. "I don't know, I guess we'll have to wait and see if he makes it through this. Don't worry Lucas, the Commander is strong."

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