1. Killer+

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Before this story begins I would like to say I do not own any of the walking dead characters (Carl, Negan, etc). I only own original characters (Al, Lucy, etc)  in this book. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the story.
Song-Kill Everyone; Hollywood Undead

The car swerved down the road, avoiding the undead. I looked to the driver seat, which was occupied by my father.
"Dad? Are we close?" I ask.
"About three minutes. Ready to kill everyone?" He asks.
"Always am." I say with a smirk to myself.
We arrive at large gates. Randy and Tyler step out of the car that had been following us.
"Who are you?" The gatekeepers said.
Almost like they practiced it, Randy and Tyler swung their guns up. And shot the gatekeepers. Signaling for our men that got inside yesterday to open the gates. They creaked open and Dad drove in. There were people surrounding the gates.
"Remember Al, these people killed our men. You know what that means right?" Dad said to me.
"Give em' hell." I say, pulling out my shotgun.
The car came to a stop at a house. My dad nodded at me to get out. I walked up the steps and knocked on the door as if I were a neighbor.
A Hispanic woman with black hair opened the door. I put up my gun and pressed the trigger.  I stepped over her body and walked in.
"I'm home bitches!" I screamed, ready to take down whatever came at me. A man with a mullet came down the steps, with his hands in a surrender.
"Please. Please don't kill me." He said with a child-like shaky voice. I shot him in the leg. He fell to the ground and screamed out in pain.
"Tell me where the group that killed my men are asshole!" I yelled pressing the gun against his head.
"It was Rick and Daryl and Michonne...not me!" He cried.
"Where are they then!" I shouted.
"Three houses down. Just. Please." He says, covering his eyes. I smiled at myself and shot him in the brain. I run out of the dead people's home. I walked outside and saw my group killing everyone. I smirked and ran three houses down. I slammed the locked door open. No one came out.
"Rick? Michonne? Daryl?" I called out, hopefully that dumbass back there gave me the right people. I heard a baby begin to cry and someone shushing her. I followed the noise.
The child stopped screaming. I shot my gun into the ceiling to make them scream again. I walked into the room the cries were coming from and saw a teenage boy cradling a small child.
I pointed my gun at him.
"Are you Rick?" I ask. He turned toward me and I saw he only had one eye.
"Uh- I'm C- I mean. Yeah I am Rick." The boy said stuttering. Obvious liar.
"No you're not. Give me the child." I say holding out one of my arms.  The boys eye went wide.
"What? No way. It's not happening!" He said in a panic.
"Give her to me Eyepatch or I'll kill her!" I shouted. I aimed the gun at her instead. He hesitated but handed we over and I put my gun to her head.
"Say your real name." I said. Eyepatch said nothing. I turned off the safety.
"Okay! Fine! I'm Carl!" He said throwing his hands in the air.
"Do you know a man named Rick?" I ask.
"Do you know a man named Negan?" Carl asks.
I pull the trigger to end the child's life. I watch as the one-eyed boy falls to his knees. With tears streaming down his eye. I dropped the dead baby in the floor, letting the white carpet stain red.
"Now that you know I mean business." I say as Carl curls up into a ball on the floor, crying out. I sit in the rocking chair with my gun aimed at him.
"Let's talk." I say. Carl lied there on the ground, screaming the name Judith. Can this kid stop acting like a little bitch? I watched as he stood up eventually and stared at me. I stood up from the rocking chair. He ran at me. I kicked my leg into his side and he bent over, holding his stomach. I grab his shirt collar and slammed him against the wall.
"Tell me where and who the hell Rick is!" I demanded with my gun pressed right next to his eye that was actually there.
"I can't. I won't." He stammered.
"You only have one eye anyways, might as well be blind." I say, turning off the safety of my gun.
"No! Please! Rick is my dad. He's outside, killing your-" He got cut off by one of my dad's friends coming into the room.
"C'mon kill him, we're leaving." Lucy spoke. I looked into this fearful kids eye.
"No. He has information." I say. Carl's head moved to the woman to study her face.
"Lights out Carl." I say hitting him in the temple with the back of my gun. Knocking him out cold. I dragged his body, to my dad's car. Which was waiting outside. He wasn't in it though. I put Carl in the backseat and got into the passenger. Lucy, getting into the drivers seat.
"I'm taking us back. You're dad got caught up in some...business." She spoke quietly.
I shrugged and nodded. I looked out the window and imagined what it would be like for Rick to come home. Find Carl missing and the baby, which I assumed to be his daughter dead.
I smirked.
Don't fuck with the saviors.
2 hours later
Lucy and I carried Carl's body into an empty room of the house for the captured. We dropped him onto the floor. He wasn't heavy, I just didn't feel like carrying him across the room to the bed.
"We need to check him for bites." I say.
"Eh. I don't really feel like it. Do it alone." Lucy says, walking out. I sigh and flip her off even though she can't see me anymore.
I pull out my knife and cut his flannel off, I pull the t-shirt up and check his stomach and back. No bites, just bruises and cuts which I don't care enough to find out what from. I unbutton his jeans and pull them off his body. I look over his legs and see nothing suspicious. I look to his face and make sure he was still out. He was.
I grabbed his cheeks with one of my hands, moving it from side to side. I saw a few imperfections like acne and dirt smudges but nothing that made him a horrid sight.
But he was the enemy's son.
So I hated what I saw.
"Carl Grimes...most likely my next victim." I mutter and walk out.
I open my eyes and find myself in a different setting than where I got knocked out. I look around and see my flannel ripped up and my jeans across the room. I stood up and felt dizzy but picked up my jeans and put them on. The door was unlocked and I walk out. I walked down the stairs and saw many other people, but I knew none.
I sat on the couch next to an elderly woman. She smiled at me and I raised my eyebrows to acknowledge her.
She scoots closer to me and I look over at her confused.
"I know something that you don't." She whispers.
"Is that so?" I ask.
She giggles. And clears her throat.
"Al is coming for ya." She says then laughs again.
"You could be dead by morning!" She says hysterically. My eye widens. Al?
Who the hell is Al?
"It's true." I hear from behind me. I turn to see a boy about my age.
"Al is a killer and you're next!" He says loudly.
"Al?" I ask.
"You fucked with Al and now they're out for your blood!" Another person said.
Everyone started telling me how Al was coming for me. About how Al was going to kill me. That they'd hate to be me right now.
I ran outside with my ears covered. I ponder of who Al could be. Could Al be short for something...Alvin? Alexander?
I feel my shoulder being shaken. I look up to see a girl. Looking around the age of eighteen. She had a gap in her teeth and long blonde hair.
"Hi...I'm Melissa. I was told by the other to come find out your name so we know what to write on your tombstone." She said with a shrug.
"Why? Cause Al is coming for me?" I ask with my eye squinted.
"Yes." Melissa said simply. I gulp. I tell her my name and she says a quick thank you, walking back into that mad house. 
Al is probably going to kill me like Negan killed some of my group. I imagine Al as a man around my dads age but bigger, stronger, and crazier. I'm going to get tortured to death most likely.
I'll never get to say goodbye to Dad, Enid, or Michonne.
I'll never get to go to Judith's funeral.
I'll probably never get to slit the throat of Judith's murderer because Al will kill me before I get the chance. I start crying with my head in my hands. My stomach grumbles and I wipe my eye. I walk down the sidewalk, hoping to find someone who didn't know who I was. I'm not going back into the house I just came out of.  With the mad.
I walk for about a half hour before I get to what seems to be the center of town.
"Hey! What are you doing out of the house!" I hear someone yell as two men grab me by the arms and drag me the opposite way of where the house I came from is.

I'm walking down the sidewalk with my dad as I see Carl, trying to keep his head down. I drop the granola bar I was eating and hit my dad's shoulder.
"That's Rick's son!" I say in a whisper yell to him, motioning to Carl. My dad says something into his walkie talkie and Carl is soon hauled off.
Probably to Bed Stuy. That's what we call our jailhouse.
God damnit Eyepatch, couldn't you just stay with the rest of the outsiders? You could of lived longer. Now I have to kill you. Immediately.
My father turns to me.
"The enemy's son! You met him and didn't kill him! Wow...just when I thought I raised you right." He says putting his forehead in his hand. I sigh. I head down to Bed Stuy.
I'm coming for you Grimes.
And you won't be ready when I do.
Hello! I hope you're enjoying my book so far! I'll update Dystopia after this, then I'll update this on Friday.

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