2. Disaster+

302 18 9

Song; Hurricane- Halsey
I watched as they hauled Carl off to Bed Stuy. I began to walk down the sidewalk, following the guards. Once they arrived and shoved him in one of the cells they let me go in.
The one eyed boy is crying, and tears were only coming out of the eye that was there. I laugh, finding this amusing. Carl looked up at me and sniffed, anger replacing the sadness.
"You killed my sister. You owe me some information." Carl said.
"I owe you nothing." I scoff.
"Who's Al? Who is he? Why is everyone saying he's coming to get me?" He starts shooting questions at me rapidly
"Oh darling...no man is that dangerous trust me." I say picking at my fingernails. Carl breathes out, sounding relived.
"It's too bad...that I'm Al and I'm going to kill you like I killed your sister." I say pulling my gun out from the holster on my thigh, aiming it at his face.
"No please!" Carl cries out, covering his face.
"Why shouldn't I?" I mumble. Carl lowers his hands from his face slowly. He looks at me, a slight smirk on his face.
"I can make you feel something." He says. I squint my eyes. Carl stands from the floor.
"But I won't be offended if you don't want me. Beautiful girls like you usually don't." He says putting his hands in his back pocket. My eyes widen and I blush without wanting to.
"I-I...I can't." I whisper, looking down. I feel the gun get smacked out of my hand and I go to throw a punch, but instead I'm met with cold lips on mine. I drop my fists and put my hands on his sides.
Dad would kill me, is all I can think besides the thought of me kissing the enemy's son.
The mouth pulls away. I shot my eyes open and I shove Carl away from me.
"Why the hell did you do that?!" I yell, picking up my gun from the ground but not aiming it at him yet. Carl shrugged.
"I couldn't help it. You just looked so pretty.... I mean if you look this gorgeous through one eye I can't imagine how perfect you look through two." He says. I bit my nail and looked at him.
"Leave me alone Eyepatch." I say walking out as slamming his metal door shut. I slid down it and ran my fingers through my hair. I let tears slide down my face, careful to make no noise.
I smirked as she walked out.
Stupid bitch.
Beautiful? Her? No way. She's just naive. Thinking someone would love her like that. I'm Carl Grimes.
And I'm not anyone's bitch.
(What's up Daryl reference)
I lean against the door.
If I can't fight my way out of this. I'll charm my way out. I'll pretend to love her as long as it takes. Fake my emotions for survival. Just like Enid always tells me.
Just survive somehow.
I wonder what's Dads doing right now. Or Michonne. Or Judith. Wait...
She's gone Carl. I bite my lip and feel tears threatening to fall. I slide down the door and cry into my hands.
Something tells me that losing Judith is going to hurt more than losing Mom. This could destroy me.
I wonder if I was supposed to die today. But I'm not dead...that's all that matters. You'll find a way out of this Carl you always do.
I reached up and touched my eye gauze. It's not an eyepatch. The governor wore an eyepatch. I'm not going to turn out like him.
The voice of Al rings in my mind.
"Leave me alone Eyepatch."
I sigh realize I have noting to do. I fall asleep soon enough.
3 hours later
"Get up its time to do this." I hear a voice say. I open my eye. I sit up and turn around to see...Al. I try my best to not make an annoyed face.
Al gasps and stumbles backward. I furrow my eyebrows.
"What?" I ask.
"Y-your eye..."
I reach up and rub my eyelid. Did I have stuff in it from sleeping? Why'd that freak her out so much?
"No you dumbass! The one that's gone!" Al screams at me.
I reach up to touch it but Al dives at me and grabs my hand to stop me.
"Don't touch it are you stupid?" She says barely above a whisper. I shrug and touch my cheek below it. I feel something wet, I pull my fingers away and see blood. I've lost all nerves in there so I can't feel it.
"Damn all the medical supplies is at my house." She says running her finger through her hair. I look over and see my bloody gauze lying on the ground.
"This has happened once before, I probably just popped open a stitch." I say.
"Okay, I'll sneak you into my house and I'll fix your eye but then you're dead got it?" She says. I put on a smirk.
"Whatever you want babe." I say. God how I wish I could wink. Al rolled her eyes and I tried to focus on the color of them. They were blue. But also green with flecks of brown.
I couldn't decide what the main color was.
"What the fuck are you staring at?" Al snaps. I smirk.
"Someone beautiful." I say.
"Stop. Stop with the act. You're lying you can't be serious. You're Rick's son. I've killed people you love. I hate you and you hate me. That's how it's supposed to be." She says. I gulp and look down. There's just so much hatred in this world.
"We're not meant to hate eachother. How can we? We're exactly alike." I say with a shrug.
"I'm not like you Grimes." Al says pulling out her gun and aiming it at me.
"Yes we are. I see the brokenness in your face, how tired you look, the strange love of killing, immense anger problems...the only difference between us is that I love you and you don't love me." I say. It took a lot not to laugh at my fake speech. I wipe fake tears away from my eye. I look up at her and see Al is not focused on killing me at all.
I watch him wipe away tears. Why the hell was he crying? I see cuts on his arm. Not normal cuts, that you got from growlers or the outdoors. Faded ones, set in straight lines. I grab his wrist.
"What the hell are these?" I ask with squinted eyes. Carl laughed a little and looked down at his lap.
"Nothin' but the remains of a stupid thirteen year old." He says, swooping his hair away from his face. I furrow my eyebrows but grab his elbows and force him up. I put my gun to his head.
"Say a word on the way there and you're dead." I say, yanking my gun back.
"Oh, kinky I like it." Carl says. My face got red. Why won't he just leave me alone?
I just mumble a 'fuck you' and begin to walk, with him trailing behind me. I take the back way to my house so we can sneak through my window.
My dad has friends over in the living room.
I stop when we get to the back of my house.
"How are we getting in unnoticed?" Carl ask.
"What did I say about speaking?" I snap, flipping my head to get a side glance of him. Carl put his head down and kept his mouth shut.
"We're going to climb up the tree and I've set up a branch that will lead into the bathroom, my room is right next door." I say, I grab his wrist and drag him to the tree.
"Follow my lead, the branches I step on, you step on. Got it?" I ask. Carl nodded. I rolled my eyes and began my climb up. Once I was to the first big branch I looked down and saw Carl was still on the ground, not climbing the large pine tree.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I whisper yell at him. Carl walks around to the opposite side I'm on and begins to climb up.
"Carl no!" I say.
"This way is faster!" Carl says as I see that his eye has begun to bleed again, not much but a few drops. I sigh and let him go the way he wants.
Carl gets to the branch connected to my window first. He sits there with a smirk. I crawl to him and sit next to him. Carl raises his eyebrow at me.
"Shut it Eyepatch." I mutter.
"What eyepatch?" He asks.
"Fine then...Fuck you." I say, pushing him into my bathroom then going in myself.
Carl sat on the small stool next to the bathtub as I dug through the cabinets for the gauze and bandage wraps.
"So Al what's your story?" Carl says emphasizing my name. I shrug as I fin my supplies and begin to dab his eye with a wet towel.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Your story....who you are." He says.
"Well. What do you want to know?"
Carl sighs as I begin to wrap the bandage around the gauze.
"It's all about where you're from and where you're going." Carl says looking up at me. I smirk.
"I'm afraid that would give too much away. You don't know me, you'll never get to." I say putting away the items. All of the sudden I hear gunshots outside and someone yelling Carl's name.
"Dad." Carl whispers.
"Dad! I'm in here!" Carl yells attempting to climb out of the window. I grab him in a choke hold and slide my knife against his thigh, cutting him so he can't escape but not to the point where he'll bleed out. Carl cries in pain and falls to the floor. I lock the door from the inside and climb out my window.
"Stay here or you're dead Eyepatch." I say before dropping down from the tree branch. Probably a good seven feet. I land in a crouch and run at where the gunshots were coming from.
I see a man with a cross bow aiming at my dad, who was currently fighting with Rick. Dad didn't see the archer since he was crouched in a corner. I take out my knife and throw it at his upper arm, it hit him right where I wanted it to. He dropped his crossbow and forcefully took the knife out, slamming it onto the ground. His arm was bleeding pretty bad, could bleed out if he didn't take care of it within the next hour.
I hear the sound of some sort of blade come out of a holster behind me and I immediately drop to the ground, feeling the air from the sword swinging over my head. I flip onto my back an kick the African women in the pelvis. She huddles over and I take the opportunity to shove her down to the ground. I pull out my gun and aim it at her.
"Give me the katana. Now!" I yell.
She hands it over. I see her fingers twitch, telling me she's got something up her sleeve. This bitch thinks she can pull something on me. I grab her hair from the top of her head and begin to slam her face into the ground.
"What's your name?!" I yell at her, stopping. Her nose and cheeks were bleeding.
"M-mm Michonne." She spoke. Michonnes eyes rolled backward and her head fell to the ground. She passed out. I aim the gun at her head.
"Drop it." A gruff voice says from behind me and I feel a gun pressed against the back of my skull.
I dropped the gun, I turn around quickly an swing my leg into his gun, knocking it out of his hand and onto the ground.
"Who are you?" I ask before even turning around. As I do, I know exactly who it is.
"I'm Rick Grimes. Who the hell are you?" He grumbles.
"Al. And this is my town, get out of it!" I yell. All of the sudden I hear the distant yells of Carl.
"Dad! Dad! I'm here!"
"Carl!" Rick yelled in a southern accent.
"Fuck." I grabbed Michonne's katana and slammed it into Rick's leg.
"You're son belongs to me now asshole." I say looking down on him. I run in the direction of Carl's yells. I finally find him. His eye widens at the sight of me. I grab his shirt collar and slam him against the side of my house.
"You think you're clever prick? Huh? If you think you can fucking escape me you're damn wrong. I just possibly killed two of your people. One of them being your father." I say getting closer to his face with every word.
"You're beautifully demented do you know that?" Carl whispers.
"Oh...I'm not demented. I'm fucking insane." I say in a sharp tone.
"You're insanely mine." Carl says then kissing me.
I push him into the wall and backed away.
"I don't belong to you Eyepatch. I don't belong to anyone. And I never will." I say, running off.
Damn Scarlett, back at it again with the bad fanfics.
Whatever though, comment and rate it up.

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