6. Whistle +

169 13 1

Song- Trees; Twenty One Pilots

"Carl you have to move out of here!" I say, crossing my arms. Carl hits the brick wall with his fist.
"I want to stay here. I like it in here!"
I sigh and look to the other side of the room. Carl was refusing to leave Bed Stuy.
"People will keep looking at you like a prisoner if you stay here." I whisper.
"I don't care how your people look at me." Carl says, crinkling his nose. I snap my head towards him quickly and drop one of my arms to my side, the other resting on my gun holster in my belt.
"Don't want to listen to me? Fine. Don't. We'll see what happens." I say, squinting my eyes and tightening my fingers around my gun.
Carl sees this.
"What? You going to pull this bullshit and pretend that you're going to kill me?" Carl says, leaning against the wall.
"You're getting too cocky, Grimes. I'll kill you the second I feel like it."
Carl walks over to me, only a few inches between us now. He pushes a piece of hair behind my ear.
"You're so pretty darling." He says, his voice still cold. Still sounding like we were walking a fragile line.
I feel the heat rushing to my face and I look down. I take a deep breath in and walk out of the room. I look and see he's not behind me, he's just staring at me through the doorway.
"You coming or what?" I ask, with a small smile. He returns my smile and follows me through the town.
Once I see all the people around us, staring at me and the one eyed boy. I've heard them all talking about how he's a freak. Calling me one too for being around him. None of them find amazement in strange. Maybe they wish for the days to return to normal, no more growlers or hunting.
But I doubt it. If you're in the Saviors you must act like one. Bravery and murder are the key. I shift my weight into one leg and bite my lip as I get glances from everyone. I grab Carl's hand and run past all the civilians.
Carl laughs as we exit the open gates. I run past the minivan and into the woods.
"What are we doing?" Carl asks with a smile on his face. I laugh at him, he's grinning like a fool. I hear the faint sound of voices from about a yard away. I look at Carl.
"Ready to have some fun Eyepatch?"
Me and Carl had went back to the camp and gotten a few of the other teenagers. The ones who wanted to be friends with me desperately. I hide behind a tree, spying on my next target. It was a young boy. Maybe about six or seven, with an older girl. Both blonde. The girl was carrying a book bag.
I want it.
I let out the signature whistle. The girls head snaps in the wrong direction. I soon hear Carl whistling back to me, I smile. He learns fast.
I watch the boys head look around.
I hear Molly whistle.
Then Travis.
Then Mark.

We went in this order over and over until they just started blending together in a ripple. The girl grabbed the blonde boy's hand and began to run.
We had a plan if they started to run, Carl was suppose to play dumb and run out of the woods 'scared'.
He did.
I watched as Eyepatch jumped out in front of the two blondes.
"Help! Do you hear it too? Please make it stop!" Carl says. He's a pretty good actor. Could fool me. The girl gritted her teeth as Carl sat on his knees and hugged her waist in a crying fit.
The rest of us continued to whistle.
I see the teenage girl begin to bleed through her pale green shirt as Carl moves away from her. I can see the handle of Carl's knife sticking out from her stomach. The little boy screams and runs into the trees, as he scurries by the tree in hiding behind I grab him by the collar of his shirt. I turn him around a pick him up. Then let out the final whistle to tell everyone to stop.
Shows over.
I walk out to the girl that's bleeding out.
"Give me your bag." I say as she's lying on the ground. The rest of our group crowds around behind me, often like their parents did with my father.
The pathetic girl on the ground spits blood into the dirt and looks up at me with squinted eyes, I squint mine back.
"Who do you think you are?" She growls.
I give her a small smile and laugh a little, looking down. I crouch next to her.
"I'm Al." I whisper. I rip the knife from her stomach, causing her to scream in agony. I lift it above her skull and her eyes go wide before they go dull. I hear a scream in my ear.
The kid.
I throw him away from me, he lands on his stomach and cries about his scrapes. I wriggle the book bag off the girls shoulders and open it. Carl crouches down next to me and wraps his arms around my shoulders. I rummage through the bag.
A pencil.
Car keys.
A family photo.
A hair clip.
A hat.
Two jolly ranchers. 
All junk.

I throw the bag far into the trees and cross my arms. I put Carl's knife in my belt. I spit on the ground and begin to walk the opposite way of camp. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I slowly turned around to see Carl.
"Al it's going to get dark soon. We all should probably head back." 
I raise my eyebrows and laugh a little.
"You all can go where I want you to..."I say. Carl squints his eye at me. I smirk and think for a moment.
"Yeah...I'm the leader. You all listen to me now. I could kill you all right now and we all know it.   You're with me. On my team." I say. Everyone looks scared with the exception of Carl. He just has his arms crossed and is glaring.
"Okay." Molly says softly, pulling out a knife I didn't know she had. I glance over at Carl and see his mouth is slightly open. Chloe looks over at Molly then back at me. She doesn't talk much, at all actually. She doesn't even nod but something with her eyes are telling me she's down.
Eventually everyone agrees.
I look to Carl.
"What about you Eyepatch?" I ask, tilting my head to the left. His head snapped toward me and he had a hurt look in his eye now. I shouldn't of called him that.
Whatever it doesn't matter.
Carl looked down and cleared his throat before sniffing and lifting his head but not looking at me.
"Y-yeah. Whatever you want."
I smile and laugh a little. I wrap my arms around Carl tightly. I feel him stiffen and very hesitantly hug me back.
He releases me and grabs my hand instead. The awkwardness very prominent.
"Okay let's go." I say, pulling him along with me. Everyone following along behind us.
1 hour later
"Al if you're lost you can just admit it." I say, sticking my cold hand in the back pocket of her black jeans.
"I'm not lost!" She said, flipping her head towards me. I scrunch my nose at her even though she's not looking. I feel a stare burning into my back. I turn my head to get a side glance at Chloe watching me. I take my my fingers out of Al's pocket and turn to her. Her eyes smirk at me somehow. Taunting me. Although her lips didn't move at all.
"Is there something I can help you with?" I snap at her. Her expression doesn't change, her hands stay in her back pockets. She's leaned into her right hip.
Chloe doesn't answer me. She just walks to the back of the group where Molly is standing. Molly immediately begins talking to her and Chloe just listens. Not even acknowledging that Molly is speaking to her.
But she keeps her eyes glued to me.
I feel my belt loop being tugged on slightly. I turn to see Al.
"Who are you looking at?"
I just shake my head to her question.
"Only you, my pretty girl." I say in the best fake loving voice I can muster.  I snake my arm around her thin waist and set my hand over her hip.
After a few minutes of walking, Al declares we're at our destination. I look before me and see a lake.
"You want to swim?" I ask, raising my eyebrow and looking down at her. Al's eyes are lit up, looking at the lake. She nods quickly and runs to the edge, tearing her clothes from her body.
"Hell yeah." Molly says, doing the same. Chloe just follows what Molly does, stripping her shirt from her body.
Soon everybody is doing what Al started. Besides me, who stands here still fully clothed. Al runs up to me, only in a bra and underwear.
(I refuse to use the word panties cuz no)
"C'mon it'll be fun!" She says in excitement. Grabbing my arms. I hear a splash of the water and see everyone jumping in. I look back to Al's eyes and sigh.
"Fine." I say, pulling my shirt over my head and stepping out of my jeans.
Al giggles.
Since when does Al giggle?
I walk over to the water beside Al, Al dives in without hesitation. I just sit on the edge until Al grabs my hand and forces me into the cool water.
Al sets her hands on my shoulders and stares at me. I look back into her eyes and smile. I grab her chin and pull her lips onto mine. After a few second she pushes away softly.
"You like me Grimes." Al giggles and points at me, then swimming away on her back.
What? No I don't.
I can't.
I won't.

Hahaha Carl's in denial

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