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Carl couldn't bring himself to go back to Alexandria. After knowing, that maybe if he would've just stayed at the saviors camp, Al wouldn't be dead.
So he truly joined Negan's side.
Carl became sort of like a son to Negan.
Almost like a replacement child for Al.
Rick of course tried to get Carl back but he couldn't succeed.
Negan used Carl as a weapon against Rick but none of that mattered in Carl's mind.
Al haunted him everyday.
Negan and Carl found a new place.
A large factory building.
Now the small town is just an outpost.
Carl turned back to his old ways of suicidalness.
Carl despises himself.
Negan doesn't let it show that he misses his daughter.
He's far too stubborn for that.
They both still miss Al.
Even though it's 4 years later.
Carl and Negan aren't aware that Rick is planning to attack any day now.
Negan doesn't care, he can defeat anyone right?
And Carl is too busy trying to decide if he should keep living or just end it already.
The days will go on.
But Al will not be with them.

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