5. Crash Queen+

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Song- Castle; Halsey
I watch as Carl walks away. I keep my eyes on him until they turn a corner and I can't see him any longer. I look to the ground.
My life was so together before Eyepatch. Then he kissed me and now it seems my legs got kicked out from under me.
I stand up and brush the dirt off me. I walk through the town circle. I get stares from everyone. Being the one and only "Negan's Daughter" I'm used to it. I hear my name being muttered by a group of girls. I walk into their small circle.
I recognize none when I assume I should know them all.
"Do you have anything that you'd like to say to me?" I ask, twirling my knife between my fingers.
"I saw you with the enemy's son over there. He was ugly as fucking shit...right Al?" The ringleader scoffs, telling the 411 to her fake ass friends, she was trying to act like I was on her side. As if we were life long friends. I watch as all her girls giggle.
I keep a straight face, not making any attempt to recognize she just spoke. I'm afraid that if I did I might kill her.
"How bad? On a scale from 1-10 how unattractive?" The Asian one says. I roll my eyes at her. She reminds me of an elementary schooler.
"Ugh, awful. Can't even out him on that scale. He was all pale and skinny. I swear if I tapped him on the rib he might fall down." The leader spoke again. I tilted my head slowly at her and felt my left eye twitch.
"Woah Al are you okay?" She spoke again. If this bitch doesn't shut the hell up.
"What's his name? Isn't it like Cal or something?"
...Okay I'm done.
I swing my right fist into her nose. She's falls to the ground.
The others shriek and run off, probably to go get their parents.
"Say one more thing about him you fucking piece of shit!" I yell at her, kicking her repeatedly. She lets out a few coughs and holds her bleeding nose.
I press my shoe against her throat.
Her eyes go wide and after about thirty second she starts pounding at the ground as I apply more pressure gradually. I take my foot away and drop down next to her.
I grab her by her hair and yank her ear to my mouth.
"Talk about him one more time and I'll skin you alive and wear it as a jacket." I whisper. By now she's balling and nodding violently. I leave her there and walk away. Everyone stared at me.
But they're not going to do shit.
I'm the ruler of this place.
The parents control their kids.
Negan controls them.
And I'm daddy's princess. I've got him wrapped around my finger. So guess who controls Negan?
I sometimes like to think that I have a shot at getting into heaven. But then I realize that I'm already ruler of hell.
I sit in front of Negan, tapping my fingers against my thighs. He stares at me and I stare back.
"C'mon kid. Stop looking so terrified...." He began. I gulped and didn't say anything.
"At least cry a little." He finished his sentence. My eyes travel to the baseball bat named Lucille. Hanging on the wall, between two push pins.
Negan looks back and forth between me and the bat. I bite my lip.
"Yeahhhh...you like her?" He asks, standing from his chair and grabbing the bat from the wall. I clear my throat and shift uncomfortably in my seat.
"Im not malicious. I'm going to give to you two options kid. Join me and my ever winning side...or die." Negan says holding his arms out in either side of him. I look up and force a small smile on my face.
Negan grins back at me.
Here goes nothing.
"I'll join you. I've wanted to play for the winning team for a long while." I say, trying to keep my voice at a steady tone. He nods at me, with a large unwelcoming smile plastered on.
His eyes are strangely identical to his daughters, they look the same. At least through one eye they do.
"Welcome to the Saviors Carl..." Negan says, turning around and staring out the window. He glances over his shoulder to get a side glimpse of me.
"You're one of us now." He says in a cold tone, sending shivers down my spine.
"T-thank you sir." I stutter and stand up, walking out. Once I open the door, Al falls on top of me. I stumble but manage to catch us both. My nostrils flare and I grab her by the elbow, not in a violent way. I'm scared that if I'm violent she'll be violent back. Which won't work out well in my favor. We walk out the front door.
"Were you ease dropping?" I ask.
"Yes. I listened to the entire conversation." She says, folding her arms behind her back.
I look down, I feel her lift my head. I stare at her. Al smiles weakly at me.
"You're like me now." She whispers, kissing my nose softly.
Carl's eye flutters shut as I place my lips to his nose.
"Let's go into my room." I whisper. Carl nods and starts to head for the front door. I snatch his hand.
"Are you crazy?" I ask, my eyes wide. Carl furrows his eyebrows at me.
"You think my dad would let you...a teenage boy into his precious daughters room?" I ask. Carl then nods his head, now understanding.
I guide him to the tree, he climbs up my way this time.
We climb into my bathroom window quietly go into my bedroom, next door. I sit on the bed and he stands awkwardly by my desk. I raise my eyebrows at him.
"You can sit down ya know..." I say. He nods and sits near my feet. I sigh and open my mouth to speak but Carl says something first.
"So, Al...since now I'm one of you. We can go to the dance now. Together I mean." Carl says. I nod and hold back a smile.
"You have nothing to wear though." I say. Carl tilts his head, looking confused.
"It's like a formal thing. Trust me, I wouldn't go if my father wasn't forcing me to." I say.
"Can we just go find something then?" He asks. I nod and push my fingers through my hair.
1 week later, night of the dance
I walk up to Al's house. I reach my hand up to knock on the door but I feel a hand on my shoulder from behind me. I turn and see Al.
She was wearing red. A simple dress really, didn't even look that formal compared to what other girls have been saying they're wearing. After walking for ten minutes, we get to the building the event was being held. I look at Al as she stops talking mid sentence.
"This is going to be fucking torture." She says, crinkling her nose. I laugh and grab her hand, pulling her inside. I was surrounded by many. Enid, Ron, Mikey, and I would have small get together a were we would just sit in Ron's room and drink. But nothing like this.
I look around and see about 40 teenagers. That's uncommon now. I look over at Al, she looks very disgusted. She looks like one of those loner kids you see in movies. Al snaps out of whatever she was thinking and looks at me.
"Wanna go sit at a table?" Al asks me, a fake perkiness in her voice. I nod and move across the room to the circle table. Al sits next to me. I stare at her as she stares at everyone else.
I see her eyes set on a couple, they were giggling and holding hands, sharing a small kiss every few minutes. Typical teenage relationship. I'd give them three months at the most.
I look back at Al and study her face, she bites her lip and gives them one last glance before looking down at her lap.
I don't know why but I felt bad for her. Did she want something like that? Al just doesn't seem like that type. I put my arm around her shoulders and pull her closer to me, forcing her ear right by my mouth.
"I'm getting a drink. Want one?" I say, the old music probably playing off a record machine, was too loud for a whisper. Al nods.
"U-uh yeah sure."
I smile at her and go to the drink table, a few feet away from where we were sitting. I pour the red liquid into two cups. I hear giggling in front of me, making me look up. I see three girls, huddled together, glancing at me every few seconds. I roll my eyes and decide to ignore it. Just stupid girls.
I walk back to Al, and stand in front of her. I hand her the drink I got her. Al smiles and looks down at it.
"Thanks Ca-" Al gets cut off by a blonde girl stepping between us.
"Hi. I'm Amber." She says, sticking her hand out for me to shake. I smile a little. I grab her hand and shake it.
"I'm Carl."
"Do you want to go dance?" She asks me. I look over at the group of girls that were giggling a few moments ago. I see there are now only two. Amber must have come from that group.
"Sorry. I actually have a date, um...Al do you want to go dance?" I say, turning to Al. Al's eyes widen and she shakes her head.
"Th-that's not really my thing. I don't dance...like that anyway." She says, pushing her dark hair behind her face.
"She's a virgin Carl, can't you see? She's not like us, she's not one of us." Amber says, running her hand down my arm. I furrow my eyebrows.
"Sorry I'm not interested in jackasses." I say with a shrug, sitting down next to Al. Amber scoff and mutters cuss words under her breath as she walks back to her group of bitches. I smile a little and look at Al. Her face is redder than walkers blood.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask, grabbing her chin and making her look at me. She laughs a little and sets her hands on her knees.
"Nothing...um, do you want to go dance?" Al asks.
"Yeah...I guess. Tell me what this is all about later?" I ask. She smiles and nods, standing up and grabbing my hand. Pulling me out to the center with her.
Al looks around and sees everyone grinding against each other and grimaces. I laugh and she snaps her head towards me.
"What? You think I can't do that?" She asks. I shrug and shake my head. She presses her back against me and swings her hips. I grab onto her waist and pull her more into me. Al tenses at this. I move my head forward so I can whisper to her.
"Are you scared Al?"
I feel her breathing quicken against me, she starts to sweat.
"No. I'm not scared." She says quickly, but not believably. I smirk as a slow song comes on.
"Oh thank god." I hear Al whisper to herself, she turns around and sets her arms on my shoulders. I set my hands back on her waist.
"So were you okay back there? You got all red and flustered when Amber was talking..." I say, looking at her face.
"Um yeah. Yeah. I'm fine." She says, looking down to the floor. I furrow my eyebrows. Is she lying?
I take my hand off her waist and pull her chin up. She looks at me with glassy eyes.
"Carl...are you a virgin?" She asks me suddenly. I tilt my head slightly, in a questioning way.
"No. Why?"
She nods and gulps loudly. Al's eyes drift off from me and she looks at the wall.
"Al....there's nothing wrong with being a virgin I'm just not. It doesn't matter really-" Al cuts me off.
"It matters to them." Al says, looking at me.
"To who?"
Al drops her arms back to her sides and walks away from me quickly, leaving the building. I run after her as she walks into the jailhouse that I learned was called Bed Stuy. I hid behind walls and watched her closely. Al walked into my cell and picked up the rubix cube.
Then she begins to talk to herself.
"Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Leave me- red. Green. Get away from me. Get away from me. Leave. Yellow. White.."
It's starting to get a little disturbing. I decide to walk in when I see her start crying. I sit by her. She has a desperate look in her eyes.
I grab her hand.
"Count with me. 1...2...3. 1...2...3." I begin as she joins in soon. She sets her head in my lap and I mess with her hair.
"Don't talk to the voices darling, they're not real."  I say.
"They were real once....then I killed them. You're real right now but who knows how long that shall last." Al whispers, closing her eyes.

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