Chapter 1

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It's been a week sense the wedding and I still can't believe I'm married.

To kile.

Dreamy bookworm kile.

I'm a queen, he's my king.


I'm starting to show that I'm pregnant.

The kingdom is starting to talk about me and kile and the baby.

I'm only 2.25 months in.

Every night I go to sleep with kile, happy.


It's September 20 at 2:50pm.

I was taking a nap when the alarms blared. Was it the rebels! I got out of bed as fast as a pregnant 20 year old could.

But I couldn't remember where the entrance to the royal safe room. But I did remember where a maid safe room was.  I ran into it.

It's September 20 at 2:56pm when suddenly I feel something. I'm going to give birth to my baby!

Why now?

Oh why now?

I'm alone in a small safe room during a rebel attack and I'm gonna give birth to me and kiles baby!

Why now?

A minute later I scream and stuff happens (giving birth stuff that I don't feel like explaining). Then I'm holding a beautiful, tiny baby girl.

I hold her close to me trying to keep her warm.

I despise to name her Valeria if she survives this. Meaning healthy or strong.

She has kiles blonde hair and my HAZEL (gosh Maddy I love changing my story after I publish it...) eyes. She has curly hair, not to curly but a little mor curly than wavy. She had olive skin.

In other words she was perfect.


If only she survives.

If she survives I will spoil her and make her the best queen in the world.

Then suddenly the world spins again twice.

The giving birth stuff happens again. Twice.


I have triplets!


I name the other two Audrey and aundraia. Both meaning strong.

I am weak and my baby girls need to get to the hospital wing. But I can't. I try to keep all of them warm as they cry. I know this is all I can do right now. I tried to feed them too but they couldn't eat normally yet.

17 minutes later the door opens. Kiles there and so is a guard.

Kile cries out when he sees our triplets. I get varied to the hospital wing along with our baby girls.

We finally get there but we are already loosing aundraia. We rush her into a life supporting tank thing first, then the other two.

Their all ok.

I'm ok.

Everyone's ok.

The no fall asleep happy that our girls are ok.

How was that maddykay820  427 words. I'm proud of myself. I got some of the baby stuff from me so... That was a little thing you can know about me now. If you figure out what is about me. Maddy ur not aloud to tell them about anything except the sisters part... Oh well, bye my peoples:)

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