Chapter 7

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Valeria's Pov... Btw not Valeria is 15 now... Don't worry I'll stop skipping soon.

I walked down the halls still remembering the first rebel attack that I've seen.

The first attack.

That was five years ago.

Now I'm 15.

Sense then there's been dozens of attacks each year.

All demanding the same thing: Castes.

This has done terrible things to me. Now I can't go somewhere without guards or else I freak out. I can't trust anyone but my parents. And they took my words. I can't talk and I will never choose to do the surgery that could fix me. Never.

They took my sister 3 days ago. Because they couldn't get to me.

I know this is all my fault.

I'm turning 16 tomorrow.

I'm supposed to be happy.

But I'm not.

The New Illian Rebels have ruined me, my family, everything.

And soon I will have to marry and become queen.

I know no one will want me.

Because I'm stuck in my head, and scared.

Scared of everything.

Tomorrow we have a party, then tell the country about my selection.

A selection for the silent survivor. The survivor princess.

I can't wait for it to be over even though it hasn't began yet.

I can't wait to be alone again.

Because the selection is never going to get me a husband, ever.

Total personality change *boooom!!!* my mind just exploded! How you like? Muahahahahahaha, bye my peoples:)

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