Chapter One

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You wake up one night from a nightmare. You are sweating like crazy and your head is throbbing. Your H/C hair sticks to your forehead. You went to the bathroom connected to your room and look in the mirror. You rub your E/C eyes and open the water and splash some on your face. You wipe your face with a towel and go back to bed. When you were finally drifting off to sleep, you heard a thump downstairs "That's weird" You think to yourself. Usually your brother and father are sleeping. You look at your clock to see its 2:30 am.

You swing your legs off your bed and get up. You grab a bat from under your bed and walk slowly to the door not making any sounds. You open the door slowly and see that both your brother and father's door is closed. "Oh crap... We must have an intruder.." You think to yourself. You nervously start walking down the stairs looking around and watching your back. You finally see a shadow sitting on the couch.

"Who are you?!" You whisper loud enough for him to hear. You didn't want to wake your father up because of what happened last time..

-Flash Back-

You woke up in the middle of the night because you were hungry. You always walk loudly in the morning. Not knowing what time it was, you open your door loudly and walk down the stairs. After arriving in the kitchen, you grab a bowl of cereal. You then suddenly hear loud steps marching down the stairs. You saw a person look at you. It was your dad. "Y/N!!! GET BACK INTO YOUR ROOM AND DON'T PROTEST!" He screamed grabbing your arm forcefully. You yelp in pain when he punches you on the eye and pushes you into your room. You run to your bed and sob... "*Sniff* I miss *Sniff* You mom *Sniff*"You say between sobs. Your brother ran to your room and opens the door. "HAHA Dad likes me more than you!!!" He says closing back the door. 

-End of Flash Back-

You look at the person and he stands up. "I am your worst nightmare dear" He says in a drunk voice. You knew it was your father. He walks slowly towards you and you notice a knife in his hand. You shriek and drop the bat because you were shaking too much. You back up until you felt a wall behind you. You look on the side and run towards the door knowing your father is in your tracks. You suddenly feel a sharp pain on the bottom of your back. You yelp and you blacked out after your father said "Just go to sleep dear"


~Never Ending Nightmares~(Reader x Evil Youtubers)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora