Chapter 10

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You walk smiling so much that your cheeks hurt. Its looks as if Jeff The Killer carved a smile on you! You continue to walk for about 5 minutes until you come across Kana's house. You walk onto the lawn and look through the window near the door. I saw nobody so I slightly chuckled. I climbed onto the tree because she has a 2 story house and her room is upstairs. Luckily, the tree goes right to her window. I looked through to see her on her computer, her back facing me. I noticed she was on a website kind of like Facebook... And she made a profile of.. ME?! SHE IS PRETENDING TO BE ME?! I got angry that I don't know how but telepathickly, I locked her door because I saw it lock. I then opened the window slowly so she doesn't hear me. I walk in slowly and stand behind her. "Hey Kana~" I said evily. She turns around startled and calms down noticing its me. "Y-Y-Y/N?! You scared me!" She says, her hand where her heart was. I didn't say anything or do anything but stare at her with a large grin. "W-Why are you staring at me like that? Stop it!" She says scared and mad. I start walking towards her slowly and she slowly backed away. I took out my butcher knife. "Y-Y-Y-Y-Y/N! W-W-What a-are you d-d-doing! P-Put t-that d-d-d-down!!" She says scared. She kept backing up until she hit the wall. "Lights out!" I say. I tried stabbing her but she ducked. She ran for the door screaming but it was locked. She ran for the window. Crap! I didn't lock it! Then suddenly it closed and locked by itself. Thanks head! She gasped and started to sob. "P-Please! D-Don't do this! Y-You don-t ha-" I cut her off by stabbing her in the jaw. "I know you never were my friend" I say no emotion on my face.


I was in high school and was bullied alot. I only had one friend that understood me... "Hey Y/N!" Kana says running up to me and hugging me. I of course hugged back. "Can you hold my bag? I have to go to the bathroom!" "Sure!" I say taking her bag. Something vibrated in the pocket so I opened and saw her phone. I took it and saw it was a text so I looked at it. { K- Kana / M- Melissa (Friend of Kana's) }

M- Hey whats up?

K- Just hanging with my friend Y/N

M- When are you going to dump that friend of yours? Ugh

K- I don't know... I know it was a dare to be her friend but I kind of like her!

M- Fine.. But don't forget the dare! You be her friend and tell us all of her secrets!

K- Of course! She has so many good ones!

M- Good! Are they embarrasing?

K- Well duh! They are secrets! Some are also dark...

M- Tell me some embarrasing ones!

K- Only when everyone is here...

M- Ugh fine... See you later alligator!

When I was reading, I felt tears starting to accumulate in my eyes. I put the phone back and waited. "Hey Y/N- You okay?!" Kana says running up to me. "Y-Yeah i'm fine thanks..." I say sad. "Remember, you can tell me everything. Every secret you tell is kept. Okay?" Kana said. I just wanted to punch her.

~ End Of Flashback~

I felt tears running down my face. She gave me a 'You knew?' face and I just punched her. "Yes I f****ing knew!" I say stabbing her in the stomach. "I always knew. I could never have any real friends." I say sad but mad. She didn't even have tears down her face. She just looked at me like 'I hate you'. I didn't see the betrayal in her eyes. It was instead in mine. I never wanted to live. I never wanted to be like this. Why? Why me? I took my butcher knife out of her still breathing body and licked the blood. "mmm! Your blood is awesome!" I said smirking and she huffed, coughing out blood afterwards. I smirked and went over to her and kneeled down. "That's what you get you self centered b*tch" I say smiling. My face was like ' ^~^ ' . I then scooped her heart out and put it in a jar. "What a nice souvenir!" I say looking in the jar. "Maybe it needs more... Blood." I say taking my hand, taking blood and putting it in the jar. "Now. Demon? Are you here" I ask in my mind. "Yes i'm he- OMG! WHAT DID YOU DO?! YOU ARE WORST THAN ME!" She said. That last phrase made me smirk. "Well you are the one that did this to me. What? Wanna fight bruh?" I ask knowing she would say no because she didn't have any power. "Oh sure! I would love to! I can beat you easily! I may not have alot of power but I can still beat yo ass!" She says confident that she can beat me. "Oh no! Im so scared!" I say sarcasticly while smirking. I suddenly started feeling dizzy but more dizzy that usual. For a reason, it took a little more time than usual to blackout.

-In the Dream/Nightmare-

I woke up on the ground... The cold, hard ground... I was in the streets?! Why does the town look so abandoned? Hmm... I better look around... I started walking and I then noticed a shadow in the dark... "I've been waiting all of this time to kill you Y/N" Says the shadow in the same demonic voice of in my head. "Finally... Come out, don't be shy!" I say smirking. The shadow then bolts out of the shadows and tries pouncing on me but I move and she falls flat on her face. I start laughing my ass of and I think I heard her laugh too. "Why did you laugh?" I asked her confused. "It was just funny!" She says still laughing. "I have something to propose" I say in a serious voice and held my hand out to help her up. "I'm listening.." She says taking my hand and gets up. "Why don't we be friends? A team? The best team ever?" I ask smiling. Her eyes started to sparkle. "F-Friends? T-Team?? I never had any of those.." She says sad. "Well now you have me! Even if you tried to kill me lots of time, but we can go back into the normal world together! I've researched how to bring the demon inside you head to the normal world and its easy! So what do you say.. Friend?" I say smiling, putting my hand out. "Friend!" She says smiling, taking my hand. I then see her fall to the ground and faint, and soon after I do the same.

-End of Dream/Nightmare-

I woke up next to Willow. Willow woke up not short after me. When she woke up, she hugged me. "Thank you for giving me another chance to live" She says happily.


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