Chapter 4

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You continued to hug Kana. "Cant... Breath!" She manages to say from me squishing her too hard. "Sorry!" I say sadly and pull away. "No! Don't be sad! I'm sorry if I made you sad!" She hugs you again."She is a bad influence ya know" The 'Demon' in your head said. "NO SHE ISN'T!" You screamed back at it. "It's that easy to make you mad? Heh no wonder nobody likes you" He said menacingly. "S-stop it!" You say fighting back tears. You suddenly get shaked by someone and go back to reality. "Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Kana says confused and worried. "Why do you look worried?" I ask her confused. "You didn't see what was happening? Your eyes were switching from E/C to blood red and you were twitching!" She says crying. "So that must be the so called 'Demon' in my head. When I speak to it I kind of turn into it... Is it trying to take over my body?!" I ask myself. "Why yes. Yes indeed my dear." He says to me and laughs evily. "UGH! Just shut up!" I say back at him while holding my head. "This is a good moment to take you away." It whispers loud enough for you to hear. "Wait... So are you trying to kill me in my nightmares?!" You say trying to be tough but failed. "Why of course! That is how us demons take over human bodies. By killing them in dreams with their favorite stars. So for you my dear, its everyone on YouTube. Now, tata my dear!" When he says the last sentence you start having a huge migraine and hold your head and scream. The next thing you know, you aren't in the real world anymore.


You awoke in a dimly lit room on a bed. You get up and look around but can't really see anything so you pick up a lantern and try to find a match. You finally found one in the nightstand and light the lantern. You start walking around the room trying to find the door and you finally do. You open the door and you see this golden statue thing. You start walking towards it and right when you were gonna touch it, it takes its sword out puts it t your neck. "Bro or Barrel?" It says. IT CAN SPEAK? WUT?? "B-Bro" I manage to say through my heavy breathing. He puts down his sword. "My name is Stephano. What is yours child?" CHILD?! IM 18 CMON NOW! "Y-Y/N" I say trembling. He smiles and I see someone or something sneaking behind him. "Uhh... Stephano?" I ask. "Yes?" He says. "Someone I-is behind you." I say trying to say calm. He turns around but runs and hugs the person behind him. "PEWDS!~" He says. Pewds laughs then looks at me with an evil smirk. "Hey Stephano? Who is this girl?~" Pewds says staring at me. "Uh... I-I-Im Y-Y-Y-Y/N..." I say slightly scared of him because I know he'll try and kill me. DUH! The 'Demon' wants me to suffer! UGH! I then feel someone grab my wrist and see its Pewds. He's leading me somewhere with a grin on his face. "Uh where are you taking me?" I ask shaking. "To hell." He says in a demon voice. I KNEW IT! THE YOUTUBERS ARENT THE REAL ONES! THE DEMON IS POSSESSING THEM IN MY NIGHTMARES AND MAKING ME FEEL BAD ABOUT LIKING THEM! I'LL SHOW HIM NOT TO MESS WITH ME! "To hell? Ooh how exciting!~" I say trying to make him confused. "Huh?! Your excited?!" He says stopping and looking at me confused. "But of course! Why wouldn't I? Its awesome!" I say smiling. He then stops staring at me and drags me into a room. THE SIGHT WAS HORRIFIC! IT WAS SOME SORT OF TORTURE ROOM! As he threw me in the room I dragged him in with me then quickly bit his hand so he would let go of me and I ran, closing the door behind me and locking it. I then ran and ran and ran until I saw a bright light and ran to it.


I woke up with Kana next to me snoring so LOUDLY! Ugh it hurt my ears!!!!! I tried shaking her awake but why was I even trying? She is a heavy sleeper. I mean REALLY heavy sleeper. So she would wake up herself. I slowly grabbed her phone from her pocket and started playing some games she had on it.


~Never Ending Nightmares~(Reader x Evil Youtubers)Where stories live. Discover now