Chapter 6

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"Am... I... Satisfied? OF COURSE IM NOT! WHY WOULD I BE?! YOU JUST KILLED 2 FRICKIN INNOCENT PEOPLE! WHY? WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!" I scream back at my demon. "A-are you going to hurt me?" the little kid says snapping me back to reality. "I won't if you leave.." I say tears running down my cheek. "B-but-" I cut him off. "LEAVE!" I scream at him making him jump. He runs away and out the hospital. I suddenly feel myself twitching. "You need to kill dear." The demon says. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME! WHY ME?" I say sobbing. "Because you were my easiest target and weakest also. I knew you were too soft to kill but I was wrong. I just transformed you into the monster that was hiding deep inside of your soul." He says. I couldn't believe I had a dark side. I started to sob more and more until I couldn't take it anymore. I went looking in the hospital for blades or at least a knife. I finally remembered I had one when 'I' killed those... Innocent people with.... I finally found myself back to that bloody room... I grabbed the knife and started to cut my arm but... but... IT WAS HEALING?! NOT ONLY AM I IN A NEVER ENDING NIGHTMARE, I ALSO CANT END MY LIFE?! UGH I HATE MY DEMON!!! I was going to talk but I suddenly felt dizzy and fainted onto the cold, hard floor.


You awoke on a cold, hard floor of... THE SMOSH HOUSE?! WUUUT!!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!! I LUVE SMOSH!!!!! Oh.. But then again, they are going to try to kill me sooo I have to do the same. Even if they are being nice to me, I know what happens. Now time to stop talking to myself and actually do something. I really hope it isn't Smosh Games tho. I finally stop talking to myself and got up. My legs hurt like hell tho. You look around to see you are at the front door. You go outside quietly and close the door behind you. You then proceed to knock on it. I wait a couple of minutes to suddenly hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see the famous Anthony and Ian. I smile but they don't. They just look at me with disgust. My smile then turns into a frown. "Why are you looking at me with disgust plastered on your face?" I ask them trying to fight back tears. "Well maybe its because you are a FAN THAT IS AT OUR HOUSE!" He says the last part screaming and pushing me out of the way of the door making me fall off the porch into a spiked bush. I scream in pain while they are laughing at me. What I didn't know was the spikes are poisonous. I got out of the bush but fell flat on my face. I got up but stayed strong from all the pain. I took the spikes out one by one even if it hurt like hell. I got up off the dirt, dusted my self off and started walking to the porch. I suddenly fell and I looked at my leg to see it was turning green. I gasped but pushed myself up and walked onto the porch. I kicked the door open with my other leg and surprisingly they weren't anywhere to be seen. By watching their videos, I remembered that they had a sword on the top of the door. I look up and saw it. I tried to grab it until I saw that my arm was becoming poisoned too so I took my other arm to get it. I got it out of its cover and observed it. I did do sword training when I was younger... When my mother was still alive... I then started getting angry and looked everywhere around the house and finally found them recording a lunchtime with smosh. I came behind them and right when Anthony was about to eat a piece of his sub from subway, I poked my sword threw it. He screamed like a little school girl and Ian also. I then stuck the sword into his heart and I was going to do it to Ian, but I suddenly became weak. I looked a my legs and say they were both green. Ian just laughed and I took my chance there and stuck the sword in his throat. He then stopped laughing and his body fell on the floor. Before dying, he gave me the finger. I laughed but then felt like I could breathe. I dropped the sword and held my neck and saw that the poison had got to my lungs I then collapsed on the floor.


You woke up happy to see that you were at the same spot you fell in the hospital. You got up and felt something on your hands. You looked and saw it was it was blood. You looked around the room to see what happened and then you saw...


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