New Love

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  • Zadedykowane Chrissy Davis

Twillight Characters belong to Stephanie Meyer, all others are my own.



As I look out the airplane window, all I see is greenery. Well, that’s to be expected. I am moving to the most moist place ever, Forks, WA. My new beginning, a new start. I hope.

My mother passed away a couple of months ago and I was coming to spend some time with my only known relatives, Charlie and Isabella Swan. I was excited and a little overwhelmed at the thought of having to start over. I began feeling nauseous and nervous. I hadn’t seen my family in quite sometime. As far as I can remember I was probably 5 or 6 years old the last time I saw I my Uncle Charlie. Me and Bella, as she likes to be called, were around the same age, now.

The plane landed in Port Angeles, that’s the nearest city to Forks. It was going to be about an hour drive.

“Welcome to Port Angeles Airport, please remember to check out our newest gift shop located near the front exit. Enjoy your stay and thank you for flying with American Eagle.” The flight attended announced.

As people began to fill the small airplane isle, I patiently waited till the airplane was almost empty. I didn’t like to feel crowded.

“Excuse me Ms.” A young beautiful, tall and muscular, man approached me.

“Yes.” I answered.

“Do you need help with your luggage, I don’t mean to intrude, but I see you’re traveling alone.” He said half smiling.

“Its okay. I travel light and my Uncle is waiting for me inside.” I told him.

He had beautiful brown eyes, his almost curly dark brown hair, lightly combed back. He was gorgeous, and he smelled delicious. If I wasn’t so nervous, I would have let him help me, but not today.

“Oh, okay. Well, I hope you like Port Angeles.” He said.

“I’m actually going to Forks.” Why did I just tell him that…

“Really, I’m from Forks, maybe I’ll see you around.” He gave me a crooked smile. I could feel myself blushing.

“Maybe.” Was all I could answer.

He moved forward so I could get behind him. We were the last two passengers in the long line of this small plane. I somehow managed to open the top cabinet to get my carry on bag. It was a small duffel bag, the only other thing I had was two suitcases in the cargo of the plane. I wasn’t planning on staying long, even though now, with this handsome man in front of me, I wanted to change my mind.

I must have been daydreaming, because the only thing that brought me back was the sound of this mans cough.

“You seemed to be somewhere else.” He said holding back a laugh. Which now showed me he had perfect dimples and a perfect smile.

“Sorry, I tend to do that sometime.” I answered shyly.

“My name is Emmett.” He told me extending his hand.

“Natalie.” I said taking his hand. His touch was cool, and it sent shocks all over my body. Like an electric current.

I’m sure he felt it because he took his hand away from me. He seemed shocked himself too. He cleared his throat and spoke again after what seemed forever.

“Finally, this line is moving.” He said too quietly. But enough for me to hear him.

There was a crying baby a little forward almost to the front of the line. And it was getting a bit annoying.

“I know.” I told him.

He seemed surprised that I had answered him, maybe he was just speaking to himself.

The rest of the way to the exit, we hadn’t exchanged any more words. We both got out of the plane and he waited for me at the bottom of the stairs. I almost slipped at the bottom stair.

He managed to grab me from my waist and pull me down, which brought me close to his chest.

“Sorry. I’m just anxious. I didn’t see the last step.” I said into his chest. I knew I must’ve been tomato red. He smelled so good, like mint and musk. I could’ve stayed there forever.

“I’m just glad I was here to catch you.” He said giving me another smile and letting me go.

"Well, see you." I said walking away before I made a bigger fool of myself. Something about him made me get goose bumps all over my skin.

"Yeah, see you." He said with a smirk.

As I walked down the long corridor, into the airport, I see my Uncle Charlie poke his head around the crowd. I half heartedly smile. He hasnt changed much since the last time I saw him.

"Uncle Charlie!" I said and threw myself at him. He gave me a tight hug and sighed.

"Natalie, its been too long. Lets go get your luggage."

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