Chapter 6

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We had gotten back to Charlie’s nearing 11 pm. He hadn’t seemed upset at all. He was barely falling asleep and had just nodded when we let him know we had gotten home.

Bella and I said our goodnights and I whispered to her ‘ thank you for everything.’

As I went to the restroom I could hear Edward in her room. I smiled at the thought of Charlie going into there and finding him there. That would definitely make him dislike Edward more.

‘ I saw that.’ I heard Edward in my head. I hadn’t realized I had my shield down while thinking that.

‘Well, you better be careful. Charlie is just downstairs. Try and be more quiet. Ha! Ha!’ I said in my mind.

I heard a low hiss come from Bella’s room.

“What’s wrong?” I heard Bella ask him.

“I thought Emmett was bad, Natalie seems even worse.” He said in a whisper.

Then I got out of the restroom and into my room.

‘ He likes you. There’s only one little thing, and I think it would only be fair to tell you. Natalie, Emmett’s got a mate. Her name is Rosalie.’ Edward said in my head.

‘ I know. I saw her in his mind.’ I said back.

‘ And.. What are you going to do?’ He asked.

“ First, I’m going to sleep. I’ll worry about that later.” I said in a low voice, which I knew he would hear. I could almost see his smirk.

“Goodnight.” He whispered.

“Goodnight, Edward.” I whispered back.

I awoke at 5 am and got my room tidied up. I changed into my jogging clothes and went into the restroom to finish getting ready. I splashed some warm water on my face and pulled up my hair into a ponytail.

After I went swiftly into the kitchen and pulled out a water bottle from the fridge.

“Up so soon?” Asked a groggy Charlie.

“Sorry Uncle Charlie. I didn’t mean to wake you. I’m going out for a jog. Is that okay?” I asked him.

“Oh, no. Its fine. I have to go to work. I was just surprised. Bella always gets up later, and I had almost forgotten you had mentioned you like to jog in the mornings. Just be safe.” He told me and got up and went upstairs.

I went outside to a cool breeze. I stretched a bit then I started jogging up the road. It was going to be another cloudy day in Forks, maybe some rain.

I sighed internally and continued in my jog. It actually felt really nice. There weren’t so many people up. I could see most of the house lights around this block were off. Only a few had a light on. For five in the morning, it still looked a bit dark.

I could feel a little burning in my throat. I hadn’t hunted for almost a month. Ever since my mom had died. I wondered if it would be fine to just have a little blood. I looked to the forest and I ran into it. It would be animal blood today, I wouldn’t cause any trouble for the Cullens.

I finished my meal, which had consisted of 2 deer and an elk. I had been thirsty. More than I had thought. I felt my powers surge through me more stronger. Blood always helped with that. It made me more stronger than just human food.

I jogged back home. Charlie had already left. I checked my cell phone. It was now 7 am. ‘Wow, I didn’t think I had taken that long.’ I thought to myself.

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