Chapter 11

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Jacob had reacted in rage when he found out about the baby. But I understood him. The person he loved would soon probably die and it would be all because a certain vampire couldn’t control himself.

I still didn’t talk to Edward. I kept my distance from him. I would go and hang out with Jacob outside. He was now staying with the Cullens, he wanted to see if Bella would be alright. The pack hadn’t acted so roughly. After all, they had met me already and I wasn’t a threat to anyone. I was a hybrid and they knew this child would turn out the same.

I honestly knew they were right. But right now, the child did pose a threat, it was slowly killing Bella. That was the thing about a vampire baby. It would kill its mother. That was what happened with my ancestors.

We all waited in silence for the moment to come.

It was around five o’clock when it happened. Bella went in pain. The placenta had detached. We had heard an awful cracking sound. Bella screamed.

A few hours later the baby was born. It was a girl. Reneesme. That’s what Bella wanted to call her.

I just hoped Edward was right and he could turn Bella before she died.

Three days passed and I was happy to see my ‘cousin’ would be fine. Jacob had imprinted on the baby, so he was happy, Edward wasn’t. But he could do nothing about the matter.

Reneesme was beautiful. We all loved her. Now, we just waited on Bella to start her new life.



We were all happy. Charlie now knew some truths about the Cullens, that they were different, it had been Jacob the one to break the ice. He also now knew I was different also.

He had gotten married to Sue and she was pregnant. We were all happy for him.

Emmett and I now lived together.

Reneesme was growing up so fast. But that was to be expected. Jacob had left his pack and became an Alpha. Seth and Leah had followed him. He said it would be better since now, all he wanted to do was to be with Nessie, as he called her.

Rosalie had gone away for two weeks, she had called and said she was coming home today. She arrived with someone in tow.

“I’m home!” She called out to us. We went downstairs to greet her and the whole family froze.

“Rosalie.. What is Demetri doing here?” Carlisle asked calmy but with nervousness.

“He is my mate. I have been seeing him all this time. We just felt it inappropriate to bring him home. I will be moving in with him. I just came to pick up somethings.” She said rather calmly.

Esme sighed.

Emmett hid me behind him. Thankfully, Reneesme was in the back with Jacob.

“ I smell wolf.” Demetri said all of sudden. “Are you Cullens mingling with wolves?” He said rather coldly.

“As you know, Demetri, the shape shifters live in Forks.” Edward said with a harsh tone.

“But why does your house reek? Do you keep a pet?” Demetri said again coldly.

‘I can make him go away. Just let me.’ I told Edward.

‘No. We cant risk them knowing about you or Reneesme. They might want to take both of you.’ Edward answered me.

“What is that delicious smell? Never have I smelled that delicious scent. Is it Bella? Is she still human? Aro wont be pleased.” Demetri asked.

“I’m vampire.” Bella said coming in from the back.

“Bella, you look good. Aro will be pleased. Is another human with you?” Demetri asked again.

“No.” They all said all of a sudden.

“Hmm. Well, Rosalie dear, lets get your things and leave.” He told Rosalie holding her hand.

They walked past Emmett and he pulled me closer to his back. Jasper was next to us. And Carlise stood behind Emmett shielding me.

Once they were upstairs Edward went outside and told Jacob to take Reneesme and myself to the reservation until Demetri left. Bella would go with us. Emmett was reluctant to stay, but Carlisle warned that Demetri would probably wonder where he and Bella had gone to.

Jacob shifted into a wolf and carried me and Nessie on his back. That way our scents would be covered by his wolf stench as they call it.

We only hoped Rosalie hadn’t said anything. Or we might have to face the Volturi and I wasn’t looking forward to that.

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