Chapter One - Fallen Down

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You landed hard. No wonder! How long was that fall? And though you landed hard, you didn't land as hard as you expected to. You looked down, and saw what the faint speck of yellow was - it was a patch of Golden Flowers! Apparently they had broken your fall, though your back hurt like hell, and your would get a huge bruise on your arm soon, having landed on it. You stood up slowly, careful not to hurt yourself any more, and inspected your surroundings, when another tiny flower popped up out of the ground, developed a face, looked at you and gasped. While you were trying to figure out how a flower could gasp, it exclaimed "Huh! A h-human! You need, you need to go! It's not s-safe, here! She will come, will, will come and kill you! Go b-back, now, before she c-comes!" "I can't. I came from up there, and I can't climb."  The Flower looked regretful. "Well, I, I guess I'll h-have to keep you safe th-then, won't I? I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower. Y-You can call me, well, whatever you want, I don't mind." It suddenly squeaked, and popped up behind a pillar. "Quick Quick! She's c-coming!" Turning to run, a voice sounded from the darkness, sweet as sugar. "Oh! A human! Where are you running to so fast, child~? Why don't you come with me~? I'll bake a lovely pie~!" You were immediately distrustful of the goat-woman, but she grabbed your arm and dragged you with her, to her house.

The house was cosy, but you were prevented from exploring by her syruped voice enticing you along the corridor. And her painful grip. As you entered your room, she left you, without locking the door, and with a promise from you to tell her if you wanted anything. After a quick nap, you left to the lounge, to see her, of all things, reading! Hearing you enter, she looked up from her book labelled 'How best to kill a human', and asked "What do you need, child?". You were careful as you answered "I would like to leave the Ruins, please, Mom". She took a double take at that, and, after a few seconds, whispered "It's a long time since anyone's called me that." Then, louder, "You may not leave, child. Wait here. I must do something." Ignoring her command, you followed her down, into the basement. She was silent the entire way, until the end, when she turned sharply back to face you and snarled "I must not let you leave. Fight me or turn back, child!"

<Time skip because I can't write battle sequences -_->

The lady swept past, and ran upstairs. You saw tears in her eyes. You limped out the door, before you were met with a long corridor, with a book lying on the floor. You took it, and exited out of the door, to a snowy forest. You saw a rock next to the door, and sat, and the passage written on the first page made your hair stand on end.

'Only when the angel who has seen the surface, and comes down on wings of kindness, sees past their evil to the angels inside, will the curse be lifted and will they achieve their true forms once again.'

Ignoring the paragraph, you decided to use the book as a diary, writing about your experiences of the Underground, and Flowey, and the Lady. You learned her name from the front of the book - Toriel.

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