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Nick Matthews was a regular, 15 year old teenage kid. That was until the Werewolf Infection. Nick was FaceTiming with his best friend, Liam Dunbar, when he heard his mom call him from the Living Room. "Be right back." He said to Liam, and walked out the door.

When he reached he living room, he saw his family all watching the TV. "What's going on?" Nick asked, confused. "Nick... Come see this." Nick say down next to his sister, and looked at the TV. What the News Reporter said blew his mind.

"Some strange creature, many are calling a "werewolf" has been running around Beacon Hills, what seems to be "biting" them. The people bitten are then turning into what seems to be a smaller version of the big creature. Huge teeth, claws, and are-

The TV went off. "Guys... Hide." Nick's dad said, as a creature came flying through the window. Nick has been studying Supernatural creatures online, and a show called "Teen Wolf." He knew it was a werewolf. The crazy werewolf jumped at his dad, growling loudly. He bit into his dad's leg, and he fell.

"DAD!" Nick yelled, and his crying sister pushed him into kitchen. "HIDE!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, as she fell to the ground and dragged away. "NOO!!" Nick yelled, and started crying. He ran out of the room, and saw nothing. The house was messed up, blood, glass, broken furniture, but no people.

Nick walked through, steadily. "Hello?" He said, but no one responded. He then remembered Liam. He ran into his room, and checked FaceTime. It was still on, but no Liam. "Crap..." Nick said, just as something came running at Nick. It was his mother. But she was... A werewolf. "NO!" Nick yelled, just as she tackled him.

His mother punched and kicked at him on the ground, and Nick felt like crying seeing her like this. "MOM! NO!" He yelled, holding her arms from stabbing Nick with her claws. "MOM! ITS ME NICK! PLEASE!" She stopped for a second, looking into his eyes. But then she sent back to normal, scratching and kicking.

She finally got loose of Nick's arms, and her fangs came at him. Before she could bite him, Liam came crashing through the window, with a shot gun. He kicked Nick's mother off of him, grabbing Nick's arm. "GET UP! TAKE THIS!" Liam gave Nick his other Shotgun, and Liam told him to shoot.

His mother got up, and started coming towards him. "SHOOT, NICK!" Liam demanded. "I CAN'T!" She came faster.

"DO IT!" He yelled, and Nick screamed at the top of his lungs. He reloaded the shot gun, and his mother lunged right at them. Nick fired the shot gun, and the bullet hit her right in the head.

                   Authors Note

Okay, so this is just the Prologue to my story, showing how Nick and Liam sorta got into this whole mess, living in a apocalypse. How it all started. Now, I won't be uploading chapter one until I finish the Werewolf Scorcher, which is  close to done. Hope you enjoy my story!

Beginning of the End {PAUSED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora