Chapter Three

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Allison put her bow down on the edge of the building. "So, Nick." She said. "How did you survive this whole apocalypse thing. Underground tunnels, a secret vault in your house...?" Nick smiled. "Oh, me and my friend Liam killed my mom, ran out back, and hid in a treehouse for a few days."

Allison didn't look impressed. "So, your telling me, all you did was hide in a treehouse, while I had to survive with ONE piece of bread in a vault for three days?!" Allison yelled at him. "Pretty much..." Nick told her. She sighed. "Cmon, let's go meet up with your weird friends..." She grabbed her bow, and started climbing down the wire from the grappling hook.

"HEY! THAT'S RUDE! I'm not weird!" He yelled, as he tripped over Stiles' shoe. Nick didn't go down just yet, and started thinking. Hd trusts this girl alright, but should he ask her to help them defeat this werewolf? She seems to know more about it than they do.

"Hey, Nick, you coming?" Nick heard Stiles yell. "Uh, yeah, just give me one sec-" Nick heard a noise from the rooftops, and as he turned, he felt a sharp pain in his leg. He looked down, to see an arrow lodged right in his knee. "AHH!" Nick yelled, as he started feeling sleepy. "Nick?!" He think he heard Liam say.

Another arrow came, landing right in his shoulder. He started to fall asleep. They were poison... He back up towards the ledge, and tripped over. Everything was blurry as he fell. He heard screams coming from who knows who, and he could see two people as he fell at the top of the building. A boy, with blonde hair who looked pretty tall, and a slightly shorter girl with bright blue hair. Nick could not stay awake anymore. His eyes closed, as he saw a net coming down towards him.

Nick woke up, and all he saw was black. He couldn't move his arms or legs. There was something over his head, making him not able to see. "Liam? Stiles? Allison?" Nick yelled, hoping to hear their voices. The bag came off Nick's head, as he saw he was tied to a chair, with all his friends next to him.

The boy, who he saw before with blonde hair, walked around the chair. He grabbed Nick's face, and made him look at him. "Who do you work for?!" The boy said, staring right into Nick's eyes. "Well... Before the apocalypse I worked for Walgreens but-" The boy punched Nick harder in the face than anyone has ever done to him. His head jerked back, as he felt blood dripping down his face.

"ANSWER MY QUESTION!" The boy yelled, taking out a knife. "Or else..." He grabbed Stiles, who was unconscious in the chair, and swung him over in front of Nick. He put his knife to Stiles' neck. "He gets his throats cut out. Got it?" The boy said, smiling. Nick took a deep swallow, and looked next to him. Liam was also unconscious, but the blue haired girl was interrogating Allison, who is awake.

"Now, kid. Who. Do. You. Work for?" He asked, pushing the knife closer to Stiles' knife. "I'm Nick Matthews... And I work for-" a voice cut him off. "He doesn't work for anybody, he works with me." It was Stiles. Before the boy could do anything, Stiles pushed his chair back. He hit his chair into the roof of you building, breaking it.

He jumped on his back again, breaking off the chair legs and chair rests off his arms and legs. The boy ran over to Stiles with a knife, but Stiles dodged it. He grabbed his arm, twisting it. "AH!" He yelled, falling to the ground. The girl was already running towards Stiles with a knife also, but Stiles was distracted looking at the boy. She jumped right at him.

"NO!" Nick yelled, and he pushed off his feet, somehow. The chair went flying towards her with Nick on it, knocking her to the ground, and breaking his chair. He went over, untying Liam and Allison. The boy and girl stood up, holding their wounds. "Well... You caught us. What now?" The girl said. Just as she said that, they heard a roar. They all looked in the direction it came, but nothing was there.

"Now, now 'bout you tell us why you took us hostage, and maybe we won't kill you." Allison told them. "We took you because we thought you were gonna try killing us. We didn't think anyone else could survive this, so we thought you must be working for somebody... But I guess not." The boy said. "This is Div, I'm Newt." The boy said to them. "Hi, I'm Nick, this is Allison, Liam and Stiles."

"Well-" the girl began to say, as the giant werewolf came lunging over the building, landing in front of them. Allison tossed Liam and Nick a knife. Stiles got his knife ready. Newt got out his gun, and Div her bow. "This is just great..." Liam said, as the werewolf lunged at him. "NO!" Nick yelled, jumping on top of the werewolves back. He sliced his knife into its back, and it roared.

Newt shot the werewolf numerous times. Div shot it with her bow. Stiles took out his bow, and started shooting too. Nick started stabbing the werewolf in the back even more. Then, the werewolf jumped in the air, and lunged his back into the ground. Nick was crushed, and the ground got a hole in it. Nick rolled over, really hurt. He had bruises all over his body, bleeding, and couldn't stand up.

He saw the werewolf run at Newt, and it hit him with its fist, knocking Newt down. It ran at Div, and did the same to her. It than ran at Stiles, but he managed to get a few shots on it before the werewolf stomped on him, making him unconscious. Liam than ran and jumped on it, stabbing it in the side of the head. The werewolf tumbled down, not moving. Liam stood up on top of it. "Hey, guys, I did it-" he began to say, as it lunged into the air, sending Liam flying into the air. He fell back down, unconscious.

The werewolf than ran at Allison. It jumped on top of her, and clawed her in the stomach. He couldn't let it do this. It was going to kill her for some reason. Why it didn't kill the others? No idea. But Nick couldn't let this happen. He saw his knife, and reached for it. The werewolf clawed her in the stomach again.

Be heard her start crying. "NO!!" Nick yelled, standing up. He ran, and jumped in the air. His knife landed in the werewolf's neck, and it stopped right before its claws slashed Allison in the head. It began to fall of the building, with Nick on top of it. "NO NO NO-" Nick yelled, as he fell off with the werewolf. He than stopped, and didn't fall. He looked up to see Allison caught his hand. She smiled. "Thanks, Allison..." Nick said. "No, thank you." She said, as she helped him up.

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