Chapter Eight

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Nick opened his eyes. He felt the sun shining right down on him. He looked in front of him, seeing the water flow just below his feet. He looked next to him, seeing sand all around him. He was soaking wet, and was on a beach for some reason. He than remembered what happened... All his friends are taken. He was stabbed through the stomach, and knocked into the ocean by Deucalion.

Nick stood up, and somehow, he felt no pain. He looked down where he was stabbed, and there was nothing. Just a hole right in his shirt. "How..." He whispered to himself. A rock than came flying at his head, and he jerked his body to the side, catching it. How did he do it? He had no idea.

Standing there was a man, around his age probably, maybe a little older, with dark black hair.  He stared at Nick, and Nick just stared back. "Who are you..." Nick finally said to him. "I'm Scott McCall. Nick Matthews, isn't it?" The boy said to him. "Y-yeah... How do you know my name?" Nick asked. "Because I do. And just so you know, you would be dead if it weren't for me." Scott told him.

"W-what do you mean..." Nick asked. "I mean... Your a werewolf, Nick. I bit you. And your my beta." Nick couldn't believe what he just heard. He is a werewolf now? Because of him?! Nick walked up to Scott. "Why would you save me..." He asked Scott. "Because your special, Nick. And your the only one who can stop Deucalion."

Nick nodded. "So... I'm a werewolf..." He said to Scott. Scott put his hand on Nick's shoulder. "Yes, yes you are. Your handling this much better than most Beta's.." Scott said to him, smiling. "So..." Nick began to say. "My friends... Deucalion has them?" Scott walked past Nick. "Yes... He does. He is probably trying to take more of Allisons's blood and is going to transform himself AND make the werewolf army soon, so we better act fast. "Cmon..."

Scott ran behind them, and Nick followed. "So, how do you know where to go?!" Nick asked, catching up to him. "I've been in his base before... Tried stopping him, didn't work... I escaped, and I waited for the right time to go back. Looks like it's that time." Scott than turned next to a building, grabbing Nick's shirt. Right there, was a deep cliff. "Woah..." Nick said, looking over.

"That's... That's his base..." Scott said, pointing. "A giant hole in the ground?!" Nick asked. Before Scott could respond, a dozen werewolves came, grabbing Scott. "SCOTT!" Nick yelled. "JUMP, NICK!" Scott yelled at him. "But you-" Scott interrupted him. "ILL BE OKAY, JUMP!!" Scott screamed.

Nick looked at Scott, than back at the cliff. He backed up, leaping far. He went flying through the air, and all of a sudden, he appeared in an underground tunnel. "Ow..." Nick said, when he appeared. He looked around, and saw a light coming from a hallway. He sneaked down it, hearing voices.

When he reached the end of the hallway, he was in a huge room. At the other side was all his friends, except Allison, lying on the ground, weapon less, unconscious. In a tube next to them was an unconscious Allison, with Deucalion standing next to it.

Authors Note

Sorry, I know this is a really, really, short chapter, but it was because I accidentally published it xD but I guess I'll leave it here, because I want to leave it on a cliffhanger. There are two more chapters after this.

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