Chapter Six

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"No..." Nick whispered to the others, holding Allison. "What happened?!" Div asked Nick. "This guy... Well he was talking to this other guy about the alpha. I think they worked for him. Than, Allison fell hurt, and he came running over. Stiles pulled out his gun and told us to run, but the other guy had a gun too. Now, one of them is dead..."  Newt, Div, and Liam fell silent.

"Stay here..." Nick said. "I'm gonna go see what happened..." Nick handed Allison over to Div and Newt. "Don't follow me..." As Nick began creeping over to the alley way, he started seeing blood coming from the alley. One of them was definitely dead. Nick crossed his fingers, and as he turned, Nick saw no one. Nothing but a blood trail.

Nick looked back at the others, signaling then to come over. "Where are they?" Liam asked. "No idea... I just turned in here and no one was here but this blood trail." They all sighed. "Well, we should probably follow it..." Newt told them. "Yeah... Stay behind me. Keep Allison safe." Nick said. He began creeping down the alley way, carful to not find anyone.  It than came to a wall, and the blood trail seemed to stop.

"This is great!" Nick began to say. "There is just a wall!" He said, angrily. "Well, maybe there is like a secret button or something." Liam told everyone. "Yeah, Liam, that's highly unlikely." Div said back to him. Allison was just starting to wake up, so Div and Newt let her down. "You okay?" Nick asked her, a little afraid she would do what she did before.

"Yeah... I'm fine. Now, let's try finding Stiles..." She told him. Nick could tell something bad is going to happen to her. Definitely. "Look at all these stones..." Allison said, pointing to the stones that made the wall. "Maybe one of them pushes in, revealing a secret door?" She asked everyone.

Everyone nodded. "Maybe... Do you think Stiles shot, missed, the guy knocked him out making a blood trail?" Nick asked, but was interrupted by a loud growl, and three men walking down the alley. "Or maybe it was a trap..." Div said loudly. The men pulled out your guns. "So, you want to find your friend, and kill our boss?" One of the men said, laughing.

"None of that is going to happen. Because your all going to die here." They loaded their guns. But than, a loud growl knocked them all to the floor. "What the..." Liam began to say, and the big alpha fell from  above, landing behind the men that got knocked down. "Oh... If anyone is going to kill these kids, it's going to be me..." The alpha said, in a loud, deep, voice. He stomped on all three of them, exploding blood everywhere.

Nick looked away at the sight of it. The alpha raised his claws. Bye bye, kiddies..." Just as Nick heard a loud "NO!!" It came from behind the alpha. And it was Stiles. He leaped with his sword, landing it in the alpha's eye. The alpha fell to the ground, roaring. "GO!!" Stiles yelled, standing on top of the alpha. They all leaped over the alpha, and began running down the alley way to escape, but Nick stayed. "NICK! GO!" Stiles screamed at him, as Stiles was smashed into the wall.

The impact of Stiles smashing into it started causing the alley way to collapse. "GO!" Stiles screamed at him once more. "NO!" Nick yelled, running at Stiles. He grabbed his arm, leaving his sword, and started running. Nick than stopped, seeing a metal object sticking out of the alpha. Nick turned his head at Stiles, who was running thinking Nick was behind him.

Nick turned back, and started running towards the werewolf, dodging boulders and rocks. He jumped for the metal object, grabbing it. He turned and started running, but the alley was almost done for. Boulders and rocks fell behind him, taking up all the space of the alley way. Nick saw the way out, and saw the others yelling at him to run faster.

He looked behind him, and realized he wouldn't make it at this rate. He leaped for his life, and luckily, landing outside the alley way a quick second before it caved in. Nick breathed repeatedly. "NICK!" Newt yelled at him. "What were you thinking?!" He asked. Nick took out the metal object he found.

"I got this off the alpha..." It was a cube, metal, and had a few things typed into the front. It had wires sticking out of the back. If Nick got this from the alpha, than somebody must... It all clicked for Nick. "Guys... I think I know who started this all..." Nick told everyone. They all jerked their heads towards him. "Somebody, they created this alpha. It was a human, but somebody did tests on it to start this werewolf apocalypse..." Nick told them. "It- it created this alpha, and put a disease in it so if it bites another one, they turn into one itself. The guy must have programmed it with this cube thing to do whatever it says on here-"  Nick stopped when he read it.

"What does it say?" Liam asked him. He read it to them in order. "Start Werewolf Apocalypse... Take the girls blood... Return it... Girl will turn..." He read it. They all looked at Allison. "Allison.. When it scratched you, it must have taken your blood and given it back to the guy who did this. He must be doing something with it...." Nick realized. "L-like what?" She asked.

"Maybe... He is turning himself into one, and creating a whole army of powerful werewolves." Stiles told them. "Why does he need my blood? I'm not a werewolf or anything..."  She said. Nick remembered her yellow eyes. "You must be turning into one.. Allison, your eyes have been turning yellow lately. Those scratches must have turned you." She sighed. "I guess so..." She agreed.

"So what now?" Asked Newt. "We need to find the guy who did this. And stop him from turning himself and creating the army. If we stop him, Allison probably will turn normal again." Nick said. "So, where do we start?" Asked Liam. "I don't know. But we must keep look-" Nick began to say, as three werewolves came falling from the sky, landing on top of Allison.

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