Chapter Five

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Nick woke up, with pain everywhere. He was in the pitch black, and couldn't see one thing. "Great..." Nick said to himself. "How am I gonna get out of here how?!" He said. "I can help you..." He heard a voice say. He readied his knife. "Who are you?" Nick said, cautiously. "I'm Deucalion. And I know exactly who you are. Nick Matthews, right?" He said, and Nick heard a laugh.

Nick was officially freaked out. He took out of knife, but still couldn't see. He needed to get out of here and go back to his friends. "What do you want from me?!" Nick yelled. "Oh, I want nothing, Nick. I just want to warn you. Something bad will happen to you and your friends soon..." He said to Nick.

Nick was getting mad. "Are you threatening me?! AND HOW DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME?!" He screamed. The lights when on. Standing there was Deucalion, who had a walking stick, sunglasses, and blood all over his body. Everywhere in the room was dead bodies, hanging from the roof. Nick than saw one in the corner.

It was his older brother, who went missing a year ago. They never found him again. Nick ran at Deucalion, knocking him to tie ground. He stabbed him multiple times in the stomach, blood exploding from his mouth. Nick raised his knife again, and was going to kill him. "Do it, Nick... Kill me... Avenge your brothers death."

Nick raised his knife again, ready to strike, but stopped. "I... I can't!" Nick said, standing up. "I'm not killing you, Deucalion. You murdered hundreds of innocents, including my brother, but I'm not killing you." Nick began to walk towards a door. "Oh, I recommend killing me, Nick..." He heard Deucalion say. Nick stopped, but than kept walking, out the door. There was a ladder, and he climbed it.

When he reached the top, he opened a latch to the top of a building, and when he got out, he saw all his friends, standing at the other side of the building. "NICK!" They all screamed, running towards him. "We thought you were dead..." Liam said to him, smiling. "Yeah..." Stiles said.

Allison walked through them, stepping towards Nick. "Thank you. For saving me, again..." She said, hugging him. He smiled, hugging her back. "Sorry to interrupt." Newt began to say, Allison backing up. "But we still got that giant Alpha werewolf to find and kill." Newt said. "Yeah..." Div agreed. Liam looked up. "Well, it's getting pretty dark out. We should probably get some rest." They all nodded, and decided to just sleep on top of this building tonight, two people taking watch at a time.

"Okay, Nick and Liam, you take watch first." Stiles said. He, Newt, Allison, and Div all lied down, trying to get comfortable. Nick and Liam walked over to the edge of the building, looking over.

"Nick..." Liam began to say. "Are you sure we can do this?" He asked, looking at him. "Do what?" Nick asked. "Well, Stiles, Div, Newt, and Allison all seem to have fighting experience. Us two, we're just normal kids who got mixed up in this whole thing." Liam said to Nick.

"Liam... Everything happens for a reason. If the whole world, except for us and our friends, were turned into werewolves, and we didn't, it must be for a reason. We are going to kill that werewolf, and we're going to end this." Nick said, smiling at Liam, who didn't smile back. Liam sighed. "Cmon, Liam... We're going to be okay!" Nick said to him.

One hour later, their shift was over. They went and got some rest, falling asleep.

The next morning, Nick was the first to wake up. He stood up, hurting from sleeping on the concrete. Everyone else began to wake up. "Well, what's the plan for today?" Newt asked. Just before Nick could answer, he heard Allison scream, falling down. They all looked in her direction, and Nick ran over to her.

"You okay?!" Nick asked her, panicking. "I'm fine..." She said, holding the wound on her stomach. "Allison. You aren't okay. What's wrong?!" He asked her again. "I'm fine!" She said. "ALLISON!" She looked up at him, punching him in the face, seeing her eyes glow yellow for a quick second. He went flying over to to the others, Liam and Stiles helping him up.

"Yeah, you aren't okay Allison." Stiles said. She sighed, standing up. "I'm so sorry... I couldn't control it, I..." She began to say. "It's okay..." Nick said. "Cmon everyone, let's go." Newt said, as they all traveled down off the building.

A few hours later, Nick heard a noise coming from behind him. "Guys..." Nick said, and they all turned, readying their weapons. Just as they thought a werewolf was gonna come running out, it was a small bunny. "Awwww!!" Liam said, staring at it. "It's so cute-" Just as the giant Alpha werewolf came running out of the same spot, crushing the bunny. "MR. BUNNYYYY" Liam yelled, as Nick pushed him, telling him to run. They all ran down the streets, with the alpha chasing them.

"THIS ISN'T GOING TO WORK IF WE ALL STAY TOGETHER!" Div yelled. "WE NEED TO SPLIT UP!" Stiles screamed. "Okay, on the count of three, we split up?!" Nick asked. The werewolf jumped right at Liam and Div. "THREE!" Liam screamed, and Nick grabbed Stiles and Allison, jumping into a building.

They ran and hid under a table. "You guys okay..?" Stiles whispered. "Yeah... Let's hope they are." Allison said.
After waiting a couple minutes, they got out from under the table. "We should probably go try finding them..." Stiles said. They all started walking outside the building, looking for Newt, Div, and Liam.

"I don't see them anywhere..." Allison said. Nick then heard a growl down an Alley way. "Cmon..." Nick said, guiding them that way. He started down the alley way, and saw giant bloody Werewolf footprints going down the alley. He followed them, and suddenly, the footprints turned... Human.

Nick looked back at the others, who looked just as surprised as he did. Nick turned the alley way to see a man, talking to another. "Boss... I'm sorry.. I tried to find them, but I couldn't! They are too good." The shorter man said. "Too good?" The other guy said, who they couldn't quite see his face. "TOO GOOD?!" The man started yelling. "THE ALPHA IS GONNA KILL YOU NOW, OLLIE! DON'T YOU GET THAT?!" The shorter guy looked down, who looked like he was going to cry. "Might as well I save him the trouble..."

The taller guy grabbed a gun, shooting the shorter guy in the head. Nick looked away, disgusted. "He mentioned the Alpha, you don't think they work for the alpha we are trying to kill, do you?" Stiles whispered. "I don't know, but I think we should-" Allison screamed, falling to the ground. The man looked over, grabbing his gun.

"HEY!" He screamed, running towards them. "RUN STILES!" Nick yelled, but Stiles stayed. "NO!" He yelled. "YOU RUN!" He took out his gun and sword, as Nick ran with Allison in his arms. Nick than saw Liam, Div, and Newt come running from inside a building, rushing towards Nick. "NICK!" Newt screamed. "Where Is Stiles?!" Liam asked, as they heard a gunshot come from the alley way. They all turned to to alley way, but we're too far to see in. One of them just shot their gun. And one of them is dead. And that could be Stiles.

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