Chapter Two

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The Werewolf jumped at Nick. Stiles came running, slamming into Nick. They both fell to the ground. Nick held his arm, which he hit into the wall. The werewolf raised his claws at them, but there came Liam. Liam had a knife, and he jumped on top of the werewolf. It roared, and grabbed Liam. He began to run. "LIAM!" Nick and Stiles screamed.

Nick and Stiles sprung to their feet, and chased The Werewolf who took Liam. Nick and Stiles turned the corner to a building, where it went, but Liam and the beast were gone. "No... No... He's gone..." Nick said, beginning to cry. "I wouldn't be so sure about that." Stiles said, pointing up. Nick looked up, to see the werewolf holding Liam over the edge, about to drop him. "LIAM!" Nick yelled.

Then, it dropped him. Nick didn't know  what to do. But there was Stiles, who gave Nick a grappling hook. "GO!" Stiles yelled. Nick pressed the button, and he went flying to the top of the building. On the way up, he caught Liam. "Thanks..." Liam said to Nick. When they reached the top, Nick and Liam rolled over, crashing into corner.

Than came the werewolf, coming at them at full speed. He jumped, but than came arrows. The arrows stopped the werewolf, and it eventually fell off the building. Nick looked over the edge, to see the werewolf running away. He than turned his head to the direction of the arrows, and saw a girl, probably around his age. She had a bow, and black hair.

She smiled at them, and walked over. Liam stood up, but Nick still sat. Nick was beginning to say something, but Liam talked over him. "Who the hell are you?" He said, and her smile faded. She ignored him. She reached for Nick's hand, helping him up. "Who are you two?" "I'm Nick Matthews, and this is-"

Liam put his hand in front of Nick. "Don't tell her my name." He said. "I don't trust her." Nick  rolled his eyes. "I'm Allison Argent, nice to meet you two. Looks like we're a few of the only survivors."

Nick smiled at her, and she smiled back. Liam stepped in front of Nick, causing Allison to take a step back. "Tell us who you work for, why you have a bow, and than leave-"

"Liam!" Nick yelled at him. "We can trust her!" Liam rolled his eyes. "Cmon,  Nick. Let's go-" Nick stopped him. "Liam, let me talk to her, please. Go get Stiles." He didn't move. "No, I'm not leaving unless you come." Nick rolled his uses again.

"I got this." Allison said, taking out a grappling hook. "What are you doing-" Liam began to ask, but Allison put the hook to the top of Liam's shirt, and held onto the handle. "WAIT STOP-" Liam said, as she put the handle under a rock. She pushed Liam off the edge, and he fell, hanging there. They could hear him screaming, but than looked down to see Stiles help Liam down.

"Okay, NOW we can talk." Allison said.

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