Chapter Four

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Nick saw all his friends hurt as he climbed over the edge to the building. Allison sat down, holding her stomach. He saw Stiles just waking up, bleeding from the side of his head. Liam had his knife lodged in his arm, bleeding. Newt and Div weren't too hurt, just a few scratches and bruises.

Nick looked down again at Allison, who was still holding her stomach."Allison..." Nick said to her, seeing if she was okay. "you okay?" He said, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Y-yeah..." She said to him, standing up. "For now..."

"What do you mean, for now?" Nick asked, a little worried. "N-nothing.. I'll tell you later. Cmon, let's go see if the others are okay." She said, walking past him. She definitely wasn't okay. He decided not to think about it, and walked over to see if the others were okay. Allison was helping Liam, while Nick helped Stiles.

"You okay?" Nick asked him, seeing all the blood. "Not really..." He said to Nick, holding his head. "Your going to be okay, right?" Nick asked him. "Yeah... We should go. That son of a bitch werewolf will be coming back soon." Stiles said. Nick grabbed his hand, helping him up.

Nick and Stiles walked over to Allison and Liam, which Allison just got the knife out of his arm. "You okay, buddy?" Nick said, leaning down to him. "Yeah... Let's just get out of here." He stood up, and Div and Newt walked over. "So, I guess we're gonna stay with you guys. You seem to know what your doing." Newt said to them, smirking.

"Oh, we don't. But all of us together, we can probably defeat that giant werewolf dude." Stiles said to all of them. "Not only that, but the whole freaking world are crazy werewolves. How are we gonna stop them?" Liam asked. "Well, maybe if we kill this giant werewolf dude, the werewolves will turn normal. Right?" Nick asked.

"Possibly..." Allison said. "But if not, we may have to just keep fighting..." She said, sighing. Nick than saw a small werewolf out of the corner of his eye, coming straight at Newt. "WATCH OUT-" Nick yelled, jumping at it. Right before it hit Newt, Nick whipped out his knife, cutting it in half.

"Holy sh-" Nick began to say, looking at his knife, just as a dozen werewolves came climbing over the edge of the building. They all lunged at Nick and the others, and Allison tossed Nick a crossbow. He began shooting werewolves, as the others fought around him. Stiles sliced one in the neck, than kicked it off the building. Liam cut into ones chest, and kicked it down.

Newt shot one with his gun, causing it to fall towards Div, where she knocked it over the edge with her bow. Allison shot one repeatedly with her bow, and it fell to the ground. It began to stand up, again, and she pulled back her bow. She than stopped, dropping her bow, grabbing her scratches on her stomach. Nick looked over to the werewolf running at her.

"ALLISON!" Nick yelled, running and kicking the werewolf off the edge, right before it hit her. "What's wrong?!" asked her, than sad her holding her stomach. "I'm fine..." She said, standing up. "No, your not fine. Tell me." He his hand on her shoulder. "I SAID IM FINE!" She yelled at him, her eyes turning a small bit yellow.

Nick's eyes widened, seeing her eyes glow. Her eyes then turned normal again. "I'm, I'm sorry, I..." She began to say, as her eyes closed, falling into Nick's arms. "Allison??" He said, looking at her. She was unconscious. Nick looked over to see a dozen more werewolves come over the edge. "NICK, WE NEED TO GO!" Liam yelled, as he and the others started backing up towards the other side of the building. He picked up Allison, and began running. Once he got there, Div pointed to a small opening down a few stories on a different building. "We need to jump there! It's safe!" Div yelled. "But what if we don't make it?!" Newt asked. "All well, than we don't make it!" She said. "Liam first!" Liam backed up, and started running. He jumped, and barely made it, catching onto the edge.

Stiles than got ready, backing up. He started running, and landed easily inside the building. Next was Newt, who did it no problem. Div looked at Nick. "Nick, I don't know if your gonna make it holding her.. You may have to-" 

"No!" Nick said. "I'm not leaving her." Div sighed. "Fine... Just saying, leaving her will make only one of you die. Taking her, well, you both die." Div backed up, and ran, jumping and landing in the building. Nick looked at Allison. "If we die, well, I'm sorry." He ran, and jumped as far as he could.

As he looked down, he noticed he wasn't going to make it. "NOO!" He yelled, and without thinking, he threw Allison. She went flying, landing inside the building, Div and Liam catching her. "NOO!!!" They all yelled, as Nick fell. He fell all the say down, crashing through the wooden roof of a shop, going unconscious...

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