Chapter 1

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I woke up in my bed. My New bed. I just love the Word New now. I don't know why.. Maybe because I don't like old Things now.. I looked around in my room. It was a little bit big. It was white, a big bed, big warderobe and Things like that. The clock was 7.00 am. I was tired. But i had to get up, because I did'nt want to come late for School. It was silent in the house. Mum had proparly gone now. Her work starts 7.10 am. She has a very good job, but the problem is that she is always on work! Almost, at least.

 I pulled up my curtain to my big window. We had only one nightbour. But their house was always dark, so i thought no one lived there. I walked straight to my wardrobe. I found a cute top With some text on it ''Live you life as you want'' I read to myself. I did'nt care of the house that I could see outside my window. Nobody lives there, I think. So I took all my clothes off, took on my underwear and turned Music on. I took it loud and danced like a crazy monkey while I was still in my underwear. I took on my top and a shorts. It was still a little bit hot outside.

 I found my straighteriron. I started straight my hair. I danced a little bit while straightening my hair. ''OUTCH!'' i screamed. My iron burnt me! I lost it on the ground and ran to the bathroom to take water on where i burnt me. I sighed. I finished my hair and found a little bag. I was thinking a little bit and grabbed Money to when i was going home. I looked at the clock. ''Oh shit!'' The clock was 8.00 now! The School started in 15 minuets! And the School was half an hour from my house. I found some Converse and ran the fastest i could. As I came in the door to the School, the bell rang. Yes, I was not to late! I smiled a bit and walked to the prinsipal's Office to talk about where and what I have now and that.


 I looked Down at my note. It sayd that i have English after the class that is now is done. I did'nt want to og to this class because it was only a quarter left. I smiled to myself. I was a little bit scared. I hope i get New friends here. The bell rang again and i started to walk to the class. I did'nt want to be late and the classroom was a bit from here. I knocked on the classroom door. ''Come in'' a woman voice said. I walked in. ''Hi, I'm Kat. I'm New here'' I said With a smile. ''Well you found the books in the locker there'' she pointed at the corner. I nodded. ''And find you a place'' she said With a stright tone. SHe was not so Nice as i hoped. I sighed and found the books and took a Place in the left corner, just where the books were. The bell rang. I looked Down on my desk. Maybe it was going to be just like my other School. That all People are calling me stuff, and that I am to shy to talk to some one.. I sighed.


The bell rang. Finally.I sighed. No one talked to me, they was just looking at me. What were they thinking? Bad Things?I Guess so. I don't like my look. I just don't.. I walked out of the classroom and straight Ahead  to my locker. I lay my Things there and grabbed some of the Money. Maybe my mum and I was ritch, but I was'nt a bitch because of it. I walked to the cafeteria. I grabbed me a baguett and chockolate milk. I just love that. I paid for it and walked to an empty table. ''Hi'' I heard a voice behind me said. I looked up at him. I looked him straight in the eyes. They were so blue.. And his hair was blond. He was actually cute

. ''Hi'' I said to him. ''May I join you? Some of my friends will come too in a while. They are just doing something now.'' he said and smiled. ''Yes! Of course. I have'nt spared the placed to someone so it's okey.'' I answerd and smiled again. I took a bite of my bagutte and chewed. ''What's Your name?'' he asked. I chewed hurry and swallowed. ''My name is Katerina, but you can Call me Kat. I'm New here'' I smiled. ''I'm Niall. I can see you are New, I have nver seen you here before..'' he answerd me. He lookes Nice, I thought to myself. ''Hi Niall, who is this beautiful Young girl?'' I heard a New voice said. I looked up. He was good looking, ''I'm Kat..'' I answerd. Did this boy called me beautiful or was it only me that heard it?

 ''I'm Liam, Nice to meet you'' he smiled. ''Hi Niall'' i heard a New voice say. This boy was cute to. Why were the so many cute boys here that is talking to me? I'm ugly.. All of us started to talk and I got to know them and they got to know me. The newest boy name was Louis. He so funny! I laughed very hard and my laugh is so wierd.


I met these guys I was talking to at lunch after School was done. I had some classes With Niall and Louis. Liam was one year older. ''Do you want to hang out With me and the boys? It's a party that starts'' Niall asked me and smiled. ''I have never actually been on a party before..'' I said With a low voice.'' Never? You looks like you have been on a party thousands of times! You know, you are pretty.''He smiled at me. ''Haha, very funny. But how do U come there?'' I looked at them. ''I drive.'' Liam said.'' I can drive you home so I can see where U live'' he said again. I nodded and smiled. Me, Niall, Liam and Louis sat Down in the car. Louis told many joked and I laughed as usually. ''Here's my house! You can stop here'' I said and smiled. I was very happy today. I have got friends now. Real friends. ''Wow, Your house is big!'' Liam said and laughed. All of us laughed and I gave them all a hug before I walked out of the car. ''I'll pick U up at Were something sexy'' Liam said. ''Watch Your mouth,Liam'' and we all laughed again. I waved and they drove away. Finally home.

 I heard some footsteps behind me when i was outside the doore. ''guys, don't try to trick me!'' I said and turned around. But it was'nt them. It was a boy. Then i blacket out.


WHat do u think? Should I continue? SOrry for bad grammar, again.

bad boy or nice boy?(1d fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें