Chapter 7

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If I get one vote today, I will Write another Chapter c:


It was'nt only someone. Oh shit.. It was DAD! ''I'm gonna go now..''Harry said and walked away. I could see he was angry.. But he kissed me!

I looked at my dad.''What are you doing here?'' I said and looked at him. I could see he was drunk. ''I am looking for my daughter he said. My dad was 40.  My mum is 34. They broke up when my mum was around 25, I think. Long time ago.. My dad cheated on mum, so dad moved. We did'nt know where.. Until now.

 ''Why?'' I said and looked at him. ''I wanted to see her. Do you know her?'' he said. ''It's me,dad.'' I said and looked at him. ''Katerina?'' he said and walked and started to study me. ''It is you!'' he said and smiled. I don't like my dad. He is mean, always drunk and angry. ''Now go away!'' I said and locket the door.

 I was thinking about what happend this day, and walked to my bed. I took a big t-skirt and walked to the bathroom. When I was done in there I fell asleep in my bed.


I woke up to my alarm. ''I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me now...'' I started to sing. The song reminded me of Harry. And Niall maybe.. I sighed and looked at the clock. It was 7.30 am. I found some clothes and walked to the bathroom. I took on the cute light pink tank top and a white shorts. It was sun outside. I put my hair in a big messy bun. I ut the makeup on and grabbed my bag and walked to the School.  I walked very quick.

 In the first class, we had Math. Baaaaad. SO boring! I looked around in the classroom during the class. Niall was'nt in here.. Where was him? I was still angry at him, for playing Nice boy and that.. I sighed. When half and hour since the class started, a boy came in. It was something I knew about him. He had tattoos over both his arms, pircing on his eyebrow and a tatto I saw on his chest. He was wearing a white singlet. He had blue eyes, and blond hair. Wait.. NIALL? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? WHY HAS HE TATTOOS AND A PIERCING? I stared at him.

 He sat Down on the Chair beside me. I looked at him many times but he did'nt look at me. When the bell rang, I dicded to talk to him. ''Niall?'' I said to him. I walked behind him. ''That's my name'' he said and turned around. ''What happend to you? Why are you full of tattoos and have a piercing?'' I asked. His arms was quit big too. I thought he had worked out.

''Why I look like this?'' he asked. ''It's because I AM like this!'' He said and looked at me With a scary look. He was scary now... It's freaking me out. ''What happend to Niall who never wanted a tatoo and was NICE?'' I said With anger in my voice. ''He was never here. He was not the person you thought he was.'' he answerd. ''I'm sorry Niall, for the thing that happend! I did'nt mean to be angry at you! I'm sorry!'' I said.

 ''I don't care.'' he said and walked away. He did'nt care? I don't like what has happend to Niall... I misses the old Niall. I don't think he will come back..


What do you think? Did'nt see that comming,huh? Niall bad boy. hahah maybe,then ;)

Yea as I said. One vote before 7. pm and I will update today c: Or if it come after, I will update tomorrow ^^ Hope U enjoyed Reading! c:

bad boy or nice boy?(1d fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat