Chapter 8!!

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I said that I was going to update if I got 1 vote before 7, and yea.. So I will. I'm sorry if this Chapter is not so thrilling.


When it was time to eat, I walked to the cafeteria,alone. I have'nt seen Liam or Louis in a time.. I Wonder where they are? I was thinking a bit of it. I bought a cookie and a coke. I sat Down on a table. People was looking at me, and someone was laughing. Was something wrong With me? Why did they laugh?

 I looked Down and started eating. I don't care if I'm eating junkfood. I have never gotten fat. I'm just like that. I just jog one time a week. I finished eating and walked to NeXT class when the ball rang.


When I was walking home, I saw my mums car outside the house. She was home now! Was I going to tell about dad? No.. Maybe later.. I opened the door and walked in. ''Hi mum'' I said and walked to the living room. My mum sat on the couch.

''Hi. How was Your day?Have you gotten friends at the New School?'' she said and looked at me With a smile. ''I was friend With someone, but he changed..'' I said and sighed. ''He? A boy friend?'' she looked at me. ''Yea, but now he has tattoos and piercings..'' I said. ''I have to tell you something..'' she said and looked at me.

 ''What is it?'' I said and sat Down in the couch.

 ''Well...'' she started to say.


HAHA! sorry for a short Chapter but I wanted to end it like that.

1+ comment or update before I update :D

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