Chapter 16- disapointed

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Hey guys!
This is an early chapter, but I just really needed to post this. It's extra long as well.
Keep reading :D

Chapter 16

"Come on, baby!"

Jasmine was very annoyed. Moz and his two goons were following her. At first she thought they were just walking the same way as her but as she turned about four corners and the followed. She was positive they were following her. And to make matters worse, they were yelling taunting words towards her.

Jasmine's palm hurt, she had been balling her fist too long. It was supposed to be a peaceful walk. Sunny day, the perfect day to herself. The birds chirped tunes to one another. The green leaves on the trees shined as the reflected the bright sun. The skies cloud mended together in big puffs as the slowly went about. But Moz had to ruin it.


Jasmine cringed, but continued to speed walk. She turned a corner. Shoving her hands in her gray hoodie. She looked around, rows and rows of red houses went up the road. It had a very gentil vibe to it. Lots of the elderly were seated outside in beach chairs or gardening.

Jasmine liked the neighbourhood and the feeling that it brought. That was one of the reasons she liked to take walks, she discovered new places and new things to see. Walks also made her calmer, the pounding in her head would subdue every step she took.

"Babe, stop walking so fast!" She heard Moz yell.

Jasmine let out a frustrated sigh and began walking faster on the grey sidewalk. Trying to ignore the rowdy boys. Did they not have anything better to do with their lives?

It was obvious that Moz had a crush on her and Jasmine hated it. She didn't want anything to do with him, he was plain annoying. He couldn't get the fact through his head that a girl didn't actually fawn over him. It wasn't helping her situation when a photo was sent around of Jasmine and Moz sitting together in French. His arm draped around her chair, only their backs were shown but it was obvious that someone tried to make it seem as if they were comfortable around each other. The caption didn't help either. It read: ohh. Are they learning French together or chemistry. As if!

Seriously? What grade were the Princesses in? All they did was get on her nerves.

Jasmine looked down at her shoes, lost in though. She traced the grey flower pattern on her white vans with her eyes.

Jasmine was still shaken up from the argument with Rapunzel. How could she believe that she had slept with Flynn? Flynn was her best friend! That would be like sleeping with your brother! Ew!

Then there was Meg. Jasmine didn't care that Meg dated Aladdin, she was just annoyed and disappointed that Meg hadn't told her. That Aladdin hadn't told her anything. He was suppose to be her boyfriend! Wouldn't that have been good information to tell when they were alone? All the questions she had been trying to avoid flooded her mind. How recent was he seeing those girls? Was she being played? Was he cheating?

Jasmine angrily kicked a rock out of her way. Aladdin had tried to call her all day yesterday and today. Of coarse, Jasmine ignored him. She was to upset to face him. Jasmine had a meeting with Anita later today so she could explain the situation. She wasn't disgusted by what Aladdin had done. She was disappointed.

Not watching where she was going, Jasmine walked into someone. The box they were holding went flying, dropping clothes everywhere.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't- Adam?"

Jasmine eyes were trained on the tall male glaring at her. Once he noticed it was her, his piercing glare left his face and was replaced with a bored expression.

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