Chapter 2

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The next day Silly went to check on Glinda. He got some reverse snow to wake her up. He sprinkled the snow on her hair. Glinda's eyes slowly opened. "Feel better?" Asked Silly. Glinda shook her head.

"I'll be right back." Said Silly. Sill came back 10 minutes later with Dr. Dillamond. "How are you miss Glinda? I understand you need some guidance." Said Dr. Dillamond. Glinda nodded.

"This is not the Glinda I know and love." Whispered Dr. Dillamond to Silly. "I know right!?" Whispered Silly. Glinda was still sitting on her bed.

"Oh right! So, as I was saying I hear you need some guidance." Said Dr. Dillamond. Glinda nodded. "Would you like to tell me what happened?" Silly nodded for Glinda to tell him.

It was too painful for Glinda to talk about but she knew that she wasn't going to feel better until she gets this off her chest. So she decided to tell him even if she gets really upset.

"The guards, we're coming in, Elphie told me to hide myself, and I got upset because I wanted to be there for her. *cries* Then this girl threw water on her, and I looked for Elphie and couldn't find her. Thats when I knew." Said Glinda.

"Knew what?" Asked Dr. Dillamond. "That she was gone." Said Glinda. Then Glinda began to cry. Silly went over to Glinda and hugged her tight. Glinda leaned on him. "Alright, so clearly she is going through a state of depression." Said Dr. Dillamond.

Glinda was frightened. "Will she ever be happy again?" Asked Silly. "I don't know. Her heart may take a while to recover from all of this." Answered Dr. Dillamond. "Good day!"

Silly wrapped his arms around Glinda. The warmth of Silly's body made her feel safe. She started feeling drowsy, and before Glinda knew it, she was asleep.

Glinda woke up to see Silly still with her. She smiled. "There's a party tonight, wanna go to the ozdus ballroom? You need to have some fun." Said Silly.

Glinda wanted to try anything to be happy. So she yes to going to the ozdus ballroom. She loved it there. She loved to dance. She loved the gowns and anything in the ozdus ballroom.

"Fiyero, I have to go back." Said Elphaba. "I know you miss Glinda, and it's hard for you, but if you want to stay safe we must stay here." Said Fiyero. Elphaba started crying. Feyiro went to comfort her.

She changed me Fiyero."Said Elphaba. "I know Elphie. I know." Said Fiyero.Elphaba didn't know what to do. She wanted to stay safe but couldn't bare to be away form her best friend.

Silly got one of his friends, to help Glinda get ready. Her name was Jenny. "Hello, miss Glinda, are you ready?" Asked Jenny. "Of course! I'm always ready to go to the ozdus ballroom!" Exclaimed Glinda with joy.

Of course, she was glad to go to the ozdus ballroom, but on the inside, she felt pain, and sadness knowing Elphaba wouldn't be able to share the fun experience with her. "May I brush you hair?" Asked Jenny. "Yes, you may." Answered Glinda.

Wicked 2: Fan fictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें